First day in!

Hi Everyone! My name is Jean and I am 35 years old and coincidentally, I need to lose 35 lbs. I am new to the community as of today, although I've been using the MyFitnessPal app for tracking for quite awhile. I need some motivation because I only have a few people in my life that are trying to lose weight/ get healthy. I am not just looking for weight loss, but totally body, mind and spirit fitness. Looking for some like-minded folks to keep me accountable and also who would like/need the mutual encouragement!!!


  • idnac74
    Hi, feel free to add me. I hope to provide encouragement and motivation :)
  • dellalyn
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm 45 and want to lose between 40 and 50 so you could say... 45 lbs (LOL)
    I can use some support and will support you as well.
  • originallkat
    originallkat Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am 34 years old and need to lose about 20 pounds. I just found MFP and am really excited! Like you, I want to really transform the way I think and live my life so that a healthy lifestyle is a part of who I am. I also would love to have someone to keep me accountable. :smile:
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies so far!!! I am really excited to meet all of you. This is such a great forum! I am looking forward to getting to know you guys and to provide the support and tips that I know all of us need. Woot Woot!!! We can do it!
  • Mystyc_Kitty182
    Hey there, I'm pretty young at 18; but I have up to 40 pounds to lose! :) I've started doing a big change to my lifestyle with diet and exercise and have just discovered MFP as well. Feel free to add! :)
  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    hi I am 21, i too dont have lots of people around me just my foster mum and dad, i dont go out because im to worried about what others will think, i have 60 pounds to loose. feel free to add me if you would like a friend
  • TheBadToe
    TheBadToe Posts: 246 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am pretty active on the site/app and I will say nice things to you.
  • CPlempel1013
    hey jean! i'd love to help motivate you and coach you to lose the weight! add me if you'd like, along with everyone else! I love new friends and i'm ready to help with anything. let's do it!
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for even more people! Yay!!! I am loving this so far!!!
  • SunnyDee712
    SunnyDee712 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm on here daily. I'm trying to lose 14 more pounds of the 28 I gained when I moved in with my fiancé. It was MUCH easier putting the pounds on.:smile:
  • Deona01
    Hi, I just began my journey on Monday of this week. I joined over a year ago but unable to use the site due to many reasons but able to now and looking forward to dropping some weight the right way (slowly in order to not gain it back) and keep it off. I am 50 and have no one else in the family dieting to cheer me on, and if you would like to add me please feel free to do so. I do not participate in drama of any kind as I try to keep a positive mind at all times and want to be happy for whatever days I have left on this earth :smile:

    Good luck and many blessings along your journey :happy:
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    Oh my! I can second that one. Putting on pounds is easy. Ugh!!! Congrats on your loss so far!!
  • jeanbattalia
    jeanbattalia Posts: 27 Member
    Deona, not a fan of drama either!!! Just positive vibes here!