

  • Today 224.5 by christmas 194.5 here we come!!!
  • I do drink regular water as well, but I drink the walmart flavored water for replacement of pop...I hate diet pop, and I think this taste alot better!! :)
    in water Comment by Hickgal_79 October 2010
  • Yes it is the carbonated one with artifical sweetners..
    in water Comment by Hickgal_79 October 2010
  • I walked a mile today, then I put in my hip hop abs by shane T. I did half of it and I was sweating!!! I like it! And it is fun, and if I can do it I know you can!!! :)
  • Wow that is awesome!! How did you lose the weight???
  • I am new to myfitnesspal..not to trying to lose weight....about 3 years ago I was 250lb at 5'2'' and went down to 184lb with the help of my Doctor putting me on adipax-p..which is great stuff....but then when you come off of it the weight seemed to creap back on...now I am at 225lb-230lb ish.....I want to get back to where…
  • Did your Doctor prescribe you adipax_p??? If so I had taken it, its a great way to get the weight off, but beware after you go off of it then comes the battle of keeping it off!