

  • Nothing beats the 80's music for a great driving beat. Locomotion, Jump, The Heat is On, lots of Huey Lewis songs, more current artists would be Beyonce, Lady GaGa, Christine Agulera (Candyman). I could go on and on because I'm an aerobic instructor and have been purchasing music for years and years.
  • I've lived here 30 years, maybe I know some of your family. Have they worked at Kellogg's, been in the Air National Guard, or worked out at various gyms around town? I've taught at every gym at one time or another.
  • A fellow Christian, yeah! God is good, all the time :happy: :wink:
  • Gosh, I'm so happy for you, keep, keep, keep going. I've got 10 to lose as well, and it can happen by staying the course. Keep introducing new foods so that you don't get bored and good good luck.
  • I'm siding with Jon, Kate does not know how to LISTEN. He wants the stop the show for the welfare of everyone and she doesn't want to hear it, says she still wants to do the show, totally dismisses what he's saying. Failing to listen to your partner is one of the main causes of failures in many relationships, and here it…
  • Hi ashcools, I just started on this website yesterday and I really like it. I've used other websites to keep a food diary and this one is so much easier. Congrats on losing 15 pounds so far, that is AWESOME! Along with logging calories, are you working out in some fashion? I like trading workouts for more calories :laugh:…
  • Hi hopeitworks, Les Mills has developed a phenomenal workout program and I've never heard of anyone who doesn't like it. I've taught step since it started in the early 90's, in Michigan anyway. I still love teaching all kinds of aerobics but it is getting a little harder on the body. I'm glad you're still in there, being a…
  • Hello fellow Michiganders (and former), I'm from Battle Creek and losing those same darn 10 pounds that I have to lose every year. I'm looking for a walking buddy, anyone live in BC?
  • Congrats on your new life/new you plan ballred57. Having a grandchild that I play with, I know you need lots of energy to be able to keep up. If you want to chat, keep in touch and let's encourage each other as we work on our weight loss. workout60
  • Find the safest and most satisfying type of exercise that you enjoy and start moving along with your healthy eating plan. If some of the posts have items in them you don't know (hummus) don't worry about it, if you haven't had it before you don't have to start now. Just get rid of the highly processed foods, eat lots of…