Which team are you on? Jon or Kate?

strongandfit Posts: 231
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat
I'm on Jon's.

I've been watching it since the beginning. And I hate the way she berates, belittles him.
Seriously, yelling at the father of your children for not using a coupon or "breathing too loud"???
WT???He said he didn't cheat. And why would he lie? What bothers me the most is her brother Kevin and his wife Jodi blah blah blah about Jon and Kate now on tv no less. Shut up already. Why would they talk about family members like that even though they're estranged? So not cool.

I really feel sorry for Jon. He looks like a caged animal with no where to go. In the episode of their 5th birthday party, his conversation with Alexis was heartbreaking.


  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    I don't follow the show. so I am lost:huh:
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I don't follow either... their life is their life. I think it's crazy that people display their lives like that!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    they get what they deserve exploiting their children like that. i refuse to watch.
  • Hermit4Hire
    Hermit4Hire Posts: 197
    I don't know the show either, but taking sides? Okay, I vote for the dozen kids they have.
  • brownewell94
    brownewell94 Posts: 23 Member
    I so agree! She is so rough on him. Makes me kinda wonder why he stays.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    oh man I love jon and kate plus 8. :smile: I'm not sure who I lean more towards. At first I was all for Jon, but then when I found out he didn't even stick around for Kate's bday...and then found out he was apparently "hanging out with that other girl" when he went skiing....I dont even know if i def believe the rumors...but still...it's his wifes bday...that's supposed to be special.
    Yea, he was hanging out with other girls, but do you think he actually cheated? He said no, but I never believe guys (from my personal experience lol)...I guess I won't believe it until it comes out of his mouth.

    I agree with you, Kate is way hard on Jon, but sometimes Jon can have no common sense whatsoever lol...but, still, she needs to chill out with him. When they first started out, it was just Kate with the kids while Jon was working (yea working is def stressful and is a huge deal, but can you IMAGINE staying home every day with THAT many young kids!? WOOO that'd drive me nuts!) I think Kate was stressed out with the kids and expected way tooooo much from Jon. It also seems like Jon wasn't ready for ALL the kids AND a tv show on top of it.

    It's sad to see both of them anymore. They don't even do interviews together now. :ohwell: I really want them to work thru things and stay together. Hopefully Jon can fix these rumors and Kate needs to stop being such a crap head to him.
  • lgolden
    lgolden Posts: 164
    My vote is for Jon. I liked watching the kids growing up from babies but it was terrible to see the hour long special for the 5th season. Haven't watched it since. Jon to me seems like the same person he has always been. Kate...not so much.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Blech-- neither--

    Any family that can exploit their family for the dough is despicable--

    I'm no fan of the Duggar's either-- the family with the 19 kids-- for the same reason. (and it has nothing to do with how they shame me 'cause their house is twice as clean and twice as organized and they have more than twice the kids I have-- )
  • workout60
    workout60 Posts: 12
    I'm siding with Jon, Kate does not know how to LISTEN. He wants the stop the show for the welfare of everyone and she doesn't want to hear it, says she still wants to do the show, totally dismisses what he's saying. Failing to listen to your partner is one of the main causes of failures in many relationships, and here it is, playing out before our eyes. I've tried to stop watching, but I'd rather hear what they have to say as compared to the absolutely irresponsible tabloids.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Though I used to love the show, I am not on either side. Did he cheat, did she cheat, is it all made up for publicity sake? Who knows, but regardless of the answer, the one thing we know for sure if these poor kids are going to suffer. Yeah they don't know anything different than camera in front of them, but what about years down the road when they're old enough to understand everything that people are saying about their family?

    I think the show started out with good intentions....I loved watching the babies and like most people I was intrigued and curious about having so many kids all close in age. But the show has taken a huge turn....they went from an everyday american family trying to get by with the cards they were dealt, to buying mansions and expensive cars and having bodyguards and vacationing in exotic places in huge suites and condos. And look at Kate (and Jon for that matter), she went from housewife in sweats to designer clothes, always polished diva. The fame and money has all gone to their heads and I hope those sweet little kids do not grow up to be materialistic and snobby.

    My boyfriend had a good theory.....notice how this new season is all about other TLC shows guest stars? One week cake boss, then Emeril, next week the guys from the motorcycle show. My bf thinks maybe they created all this drama to spike more interest in the show, in case the direction of the fifth season (less about the kids, more about Jon and Kate's extravagant life and celebrity guests) didn't go well.....if you start out with WAY more viewers, you won't be hurt as badly if the idea sinks.

    Like I said, I watched it cause I love the kids, but if the show from now on is going to be one big commercial for TLC's other shows, they will be losing me as a viewer.....if I don't end up there anyway due to all the ridiculousness.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Blech-- neither--

    Any family that can exploit their family for the dough is despicable--

    I'm no fan of the Duggar's either-- the family with the 19 kids-- for the same reason. (and it has nothing to do with how they shame me 'cause their house is twice as clean and twice as organized and they have more than twice the kids I have-- )

    The thing that i find ridiculous about the Duggars, is that they say during the credits that their children are home schooled and their TV and internet use is monitored and limited.....but yet THEY ARE a Tv show. How do you talk about TV as if it's a bad thing, when you depend on other people watching your own show?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Blech-- neither--

    Any family that can exploit their family for the dough is despicable--

    I'm no fan of the Duggar's either-- the family with the 19 kids-- for the same reason. (and it has nothing to do with how they shame me 'cause their house is twice as clean and twice as organized and they have more than twice the kids I have-- )

    The thing that i find ridiculous about the Duggars, is that they say during the credits that their children are home schooled and their TV and internet use is monitored and limited.....but yet THEY ARE a Tv show. How do you talk about TV as if it's a bad thing, when you depend on other people watching your own show?

    Well, maybe they only watch their show? :huh:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    yea, but what about the positive things the children are getting out of the show? Why does everything have to be negative?
    They got a big huge beautiful house now. Tons of room and no more being shoved into a teeny tiny house. They have a huge yard to go out and play in. They get to travel a lot! Kate even said, if it weren't for the show they prob wouldn't have even left their house. So, that right there is helping them see the world and other cultures....and lets be honest, how many kids get to travel the way they do and see they where they're from?
    Also, all the kids college funds are being paid for...so in the long run they won't have to worry about that...and that's freakin fantastic. I know I would do almost anything to be out of debt from my college loans.
    I'm pretty sure Jon and Kate didn't think it would turn out so horrible. and I also think that both jon and kate have good intentions for their kids. It's obvious they love them so much.

    So, yea, there are negative things, but there are also positive things.
  • strongandfit
    strongandfit Posts: 231
    Oh the Duggars are ridiculous. Totally know what you mean about TLC using J and K plus 8 as crossover for other shows for ratings, like cake boss, Emeril and Amer. Chopper.

    I like the shows back in the old house better. More intimate, more real. The season finale of the last season makes me suspicious it was a ratings grab too.

    Anyhow, I dearly hope they work things out. Like one psychologist says on Entertainment Tonight one time they both have to change to make their marriage thrive. As to the show it was good. But now?

    He was laid off while she was pregnant with the 6. So the show came just in time for them to take care of massive bills ( can you imagine the medical bills alone???) And it was a priviledge to see their kids grow up. Perhaps its time to shut down the show for the sake of saving their marriage, their family.

    The show on TLC I'm really liking now is The Little Couple. Those two are super sweet, respectful to each other. I really respect Jen and admire her. She became a doctor despite her size. That's something to admire to overcome odds like that.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I watch the little couple too. I completely agree, they are so incredibly sweet. Jen is really awesome. She has such motivation! I love how well her husband treats her too. :smile: It's def a cute show
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I love Jon:heart:
    I love Kate:heart:
    I love the eight:heart:

    I dont care:indifferent:
    What the scummy paparazzi do:smokin:
    or say:grumble:
    I just want to watch the show:glasses:

    Oh, and I SO think all this drama is kicked up to get better ratings!:wink:

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I don't and won't watch the show...I'm surprised how many of you are defending a guy who cheated on his wife?

    Even if she's a horrible witch, cheating is way worse...right?

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    A long time ago there was a wonderful actor named Michael Landon. He was a wonderful, handsome actor with many many children. :heart:

    He was my first TV crush and I loved him till the day he died.:love:

    He got cancer and was so sick. He was on Johnny Carson one nite and somehow I was awake and at home at 11 pm to see him. His thick hair was gone, his face gaunt.

    He looked so exhausted.:frown:

    Johnny told him he was a true friend, and he hoped to share many years with him. But we all could tell it was close to the end.

    Johnny asked him if he had anything he wanted to say to his fans.

    Michael said something to this effect

    "Please be careful what you read and believe. The people taking those pictures, and posting those stories, are in it to make money. My little boy was in the grocery with his mom this week and a magazine for enquiring minds had a horrible picture of me on the front page with a the headline "Michael Landon will be dead in 24 hours!!" He went on to say his son was so upset he had slept with him each night, in fear he would not be there in the morning. :cry:

    I vowed at that time I would never read another rag mag.........and I have not.

    I buy a book and read it. Or better yet, I read to someone who can't.

    Just some food for thought my loving MFP friends:flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    how do you know he cheated on her? No one actually knows but him.
  • rocknrolla2009
    rocknrolla2009 Posts: 63 Member
    The one thing about the Duggars though, is that they have always supported that family with no handouts, and no credit. They pay cash for everything. (I even mean before the TV shows.) The big family works for them, and everyone has what they need emotionally and physically.

    What Jon did was so wrong, and he is bs'ing to cover it up. I read somewhere (People maybe) that his sweetheart's family has reported they were dating for like 3 months before he was caught on camera. On the other side, who wants to go home to someone who treats you so badly? Lke someone else said, that woman doesn't LISTEN to him, only cares about hearing the sound of her own voice, and if he walks out on her, she deserves it.

    Jon could have gone about it so differently, like left Kate FIRST. But when he sits there and whines about how his family is so exploited by the show, I feel no sympathy for him at all. (The kids yes!) what did he expect would happen when he invited a camera crew into his household?? His -ahem- indiscretions were definitely not so private.

    There's my ramblings lol
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