

  • Agree with post above. Just got back from vacation. Told myself I would count calories and exercise but I ended up not counting a thing. I have to say i did exercise though. Came back only two pounds heavier. And one day back and I have already she'd a pound. Pretty sure the last pound is water weight as well. I think…
  • I had my daughter 8 months ago and gained 42 pounds during pregnancy. I was ten pounds lighter leaving the hospital so that left me with 32 pounds to go. Breast feeding only helped me a little bit and I stopped around six months. What really got me going was my morning walk every day. I started out going for ten minutes…
  • I have always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it helps your metabolism if you are eating frequently. But I have recently found I am not as hungry throughout the day if I haven't eaten breakfast. Not really sure why.
  • I'm in! I have ten stubborn pounds that refuse to come off after having my daughter. I need to be able to look good in a bathing suit again. Sw: 165 Cw: 145 Gw:135