Calling first time moms!

Hey there!

I have a sweet, wonderful 9 month old baby girl...and an extra 35 pounds :-(. I plan on only keeping one of those things :-).

I had great success on MFP in 2010. I lost 40 pounds from tracking, and I did a lunchtime cardio bootcamp class 5x week for an hour each session.On top of that, I also ran 3 miles 3x a week and did yoga 2x a week. Clearly, I worked out like crazy before my daughter was born, and now I don't have the time to do nearly as much as I was doing (at least right now).

I want to get back into working out again (I walk now, but I want to start incorporating more strength and resistance) but, I also want and need to lose weight. I'm 5'7 and 190 pounds. My shorter-term goal is to get to 180, and then my longer-term goal to 150.

I'm keeping calories around 1400/day. I know from past experience if I eat less than that, I'm likely to binge.

Things I need to let go of:
1) I do not have time to work out for 1.5 hours every day.
2) I am not going to have the same body that I did pre-baby.
3) Fast weight loss does not equal healthy weight loss.

Things I will embrace:
1) I do have time to walk 3x a week, 30 minutes each time.
2) I am going to love my body for what it can do.
3) I am going to track my calories, make the best choices I can, eat more slowly, and think more carefully.

Who wants to be my buddy??


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I know, you said FIRST TIME moms, and I have 4 kids . . . . BUT because I used to be a first time mom, I thought I'd butt in:

    Your post is excellent, but bc I'm a busybody know-it-all, I'm going to correct you on two things:

    1. You only THINK you're too busy to work out. Everyone THINKS they are the busiest person on the planet. SERIOUSLY. Just look on FB. I crack up sometimes reading status updates from angsty 20-somethings in PT college with no bills, no responsibility, moaning and whining about how they don't have time to study for a single exam.

    That being said, I do remember the perception I had after the birth of my first child, that it was IMPOSSIBLE to get anything done in a day, except supply the milk bar on demand. I bemoaned that for 4 months and then I returned to full-time work and suddenly realized I had way more time than I'd ever imagined. Truth is, I wasn't that busy; I just wasn't that good at my mom-job yet. I'm not chastising you, I'm pointing out what you will realize eventually . . . you will get better at organizing your time.

    2. YES YOU CAN get your body back. I delivered each kid with more than 50 lbs left over each time. I lost with Weight Watchers each time, but never started working out seriously until after the 3rd one (age 36), and I didin't discover the magic of heavy lifting until age 43. I will tell you that now my body is better at 46 than it has ever been in my entire life (and I have been pregnant 6 times (some losses) with 3 c-sections). So . . . . LIFT 3x/week 30 minutes lifting heavy will make more difference than 1 hour+ cardio daily in how your body looks (cardio is still good, don't get me wrong, but don't miss out on lifting).

    So, anyway. That's it. You've got your head on straight and you'll do it. If you decide you want it, you will get yourself a BETTER body after baby.

  • Steph8386
    Steph8386 Posts: 5
    I had my daughter 8 months ago and gained 42 pounds during pregnancy. I was ten pounds lighter leaving the hospital so that left me with 32 pounds to go. Breast feeding only helped me a little bit and I stopped around six months. What really got me going was my morning walk every day. I started out going for ten minutes then building up. Now I go walking/running for an hour six days a week. I look forward to my mornings exercising! Next came counting calories and a few weeks later the scale started to move and every pound lost was exciting! Jumping on the scale keeps me motivated to eat healthy. Anyways I am at 140 pounds now at 5'7 only 5 more pounds til I reach my goal! If I can make it happen so can you!