

  • Normally, I rest 2 minutes between each set for heavy stuff and 1 min 30secs for pull-ups and other lighter stuff. Just continue resting 1min 30secs since you get better sets with them.
  • Main exercise was overhead press for today. I was sad I could only do 4 reps of 115 in my last set even though I've done 6 before..but that was with a belt. Then some dumbbell shoulder stuff and then supersetted hanging leg raises and cable crunches. Surprisingly quick workout.
  • Lunges and squats are really good. Also, the more fat you lose, the slimmer your body gets. It's impossible to reduce fat at certain spots.
  • The thing with Interval Training that I read about is that it is hard to measure the total amount of calories you burn because you actually end up burning more calories after the workout since Interval Training temporarily boosts your metabolism. It's difficult to track it. =/
  • Yeah, I make my own weight training routines but it's basically just comprised of things I've learned at the gym or from reading on-line. So I basically just take the exercises that I want to improve and that would benefit me the most, and just make a routine for them. I really like it because I'm in charge of what I'm…
  • Can you jump? There's jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees, etc. Or if you want a really great routine, do a set of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats and do as many sets as possible for 20 minutes.
  • You can do high intensity interval training in which you actually burn more calories after your workout than a normal steady state of cardio for 30-40 mins. A sample routine on a bike would be- 5 minutes to warm-up, then 20 secs fast, 40 secs slow x 10, and then 5 minutes to cool down. It's great when you don't have much…