

  • I was just thinking about an easy way to determine net carbs, this rocks! Thanks!
  • I'm starting keto next week and would love to have some friends doing the same. Recipe ideas are also welcomed...there's only so much baked chicken a girl can take. :happy:
  • Thanks everyone, I definitely want to enjoy myself...maybe I'll split the churros con chocolate. :)
  • Welcome! MFP is an amazing site (I say this after 30 lbs down) and it's definitely worked much better for me than any other tracking website. Add friends to build your support network and you'll be meeting your goals in no time!
    in New Here ! Comment by Sarean July 2011
  • I found sparkpeople to be a bit overwhelming actually. It's a good resource for information and they do have tons of fitness videos and motivational articles. I love MFP because its easier for me to use. I've also developed a better support network on MFP.
  • I love Bikram, but I started out practicing Vinyasa flow. For me the added heat helps me sweat out more toxins and I come out of class feeling clean on the inside. That probably sounds a bit crazy, but it's the only way I know how to describe it. :)
    in Yoga Comment by Sarean June 2011
  • First of all 30 isn't so bad. :) Actually I'm much happier now than I was at 25. And you can absolutely lose that weight before your big milestone birthday. Track your food, burn those calories and set up a support network to praise and push you.
  • I didn't track at all and had pizza. But I lost...which I'm going to chalk up to being totally on plan every day last week.
  • You look great & the suit is adorable!
  • Are you tracking what you eat and the calories you burn while you're away? There are mobile phone apps you can use if you're not near a computer. Or just writing down what you eat in a small notebook will help keep you mindful. If you leave the site or stop counting for a few days, you are technically starting over each…
    in going away Comment by Sarean May 2011
  • I changed mine after I hit 20 lbs lost. The way I have my goals set now, I'm at 1240 calories per day and if I eat wholesome & filling foods, I'm never hungry. You could manually set it for 100 calories lower and try that out for a week. Also, you can change the amount of weight per week that you want to lose and that will…
  • I got red roses every valentines day for 9 years. Which normally wouldn't be considered insensitive, except every year leading up to Valentine's Day I reminded him that I hate red roses and would much rather get wild flowers, or peonies, or gardenias.
  • I'm rooting for Hannah! She looks AMAZING!!!
  • You look great and I LOVE the new bikini!!!
  • Congrats on your losses so far! And you're right, there's never a "tomorrow" when it comes to taking care of yourselves. Feel free to add me if you'd like some weight loss buddies. Mine have been a huge help over the last few months. :happy:
  • Thanks for posting this, I love it and I'm sharing it with a bunch of my friends. Scale = abusive relationship I totally agree!
  • Free Pilates videos focusing on the thighs:
  • Feel free to add me. I've been actively on MFP since January 2011 and have lost almost 30 pounds. The site is great for all people, no matter what your situation with work/school/family. You'll find TONS of support here!
  • Just wanted to come show support for everyone powering through Week 2. I injured my hip this past weekend, so no running for me. Hoping to catch up with you all next week!
  • I was going to write the same thing. YOU ARE NOT DEFINED BY A NUMBER! Focus more on how your clothes are fitting or how you can push yourself a little harder each time you work out or how you picked fruit for a snack instead of a candy bar. These little signs are so much more telling of how healthy you are becoming!
  • 11 Mental Tips to Improve You Run:
  • What kind of music do you prefer? There's a hip hop/rap/pop podcast at and there is a rock podcast at You can also google couch to 5k podcast and tons of stuff pops up.
  • I love that you're sticking with the program no matter how long it takes you to get through each week! “Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.” -Cecil B. De Mille
  • I woke up early today to do Day 3 before I log on for work. I got through about 20 minutes and had to stop b/c I started feeling light headed. So if I'm going to get up in the mornings to do the program, should I eat something small first?
  • Week 1 Day 2 complete! Yay! Did the treadmill today and it was sooo much easier than running in the pollen infested, hilly neighborhood that's behind my apartment. :happy:
  • Just a suggestion, "Like" The Couch-to-5K Running Plan on Facebook. They post tons of articles on various running topics & I'm learning so much about being a beginner runner (even though I ran track in high school). Keep up the good work everyone!
  • I just got a Mirena this month, but weight gain was one of my biggest concerns. My doctor said that Mirena has been shown to be weight neutral, so it doesn't make you gain or lose weight. I would say make sure you're tracking all of your food and ramp up the exercise a bit. If you're still having trouble losing weight,…
  • Single and enjoying my "me" time. What better time to be totally selfish and do whatever I want before I find a good guy to share all this hotness with? :wink:
  • Week 1 Day 1 done! I'm so glad to see that other people are logging around 400 calories. I estimated using the MFP calculators and only got about 230 calories...and I KNOW that at 240 lbs, I'm burning way more than that. That HRM has to be my next big purchase.
  • I'm so glad I searched this topic today b/c I was planning to start the program tomorrow. I'd love to have a group to check in with, so count me in! I ran track for a while in high school and I LOVE running, I can't wait to be able to say I'm a runner again!