

  • Weight Control 101: Be accepting, Be grateful, Be careful, Be disciplined, Be active, Be persistent. (2 Tim 4:7). Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ (1 Corinth 11:1)
  • The last 15 can really be a fight or flight issue but when we surround ourselves with like minded individuals who have similar goals and are willing to encourage eachother whether we have victories or set backs, you can absolutely beat those ast 15 to a pulp! I'm with you to lose it, I have the 15 to lose myself.
  • My first thought is that your iron may be low. Are you eating enough? Not the size of food on your plate, but enough of the right stuff? (sorry to be so non-technical with terminology). Our bodies are like our cars. We fuel for the trip. If you are driving from Atlanta to Florida you fuel for that trip, knowing that it…
  • Right now, it's an old school mix of 80s dance/pop, Old School (REAL Clean) Hip-Hop, Gospel, Latin, Reggae and Classic Rock.
  • I host a bootcamp fundraiser for the moms on my son's football team. Here is the weekend workout I sent to them. COMPLETE 20 seconds OF FIRST EXERCISE, 10 seconds REST squats w/dumbbells side shoulder raises repeat for 4sets push ups basic crunch repeat 4 sets front knee raises overhead press repeat 4 sets stationary…
  • i will gladly start a topic on that. I think we grew up in a society that gave us simple math that said "Eat less weigh less" but countless studies prove that we actually need to eat more to weigh less...but it goes without saying, we must understand how to do that. I will start a discussion!
  • If you are going on a "fast" for spiritual growth please make sure you are following some kind of guideline. If it's the "Daniel-Fast" there is actually a cookbook that will make sure you are getting the essential vitamins, nutrients, proteins, carbs etc that you need for your body. Many people assume when you fast that…