rachelaughe Member


  • Thanks for all the responses. I actually don't have children of my own. When I talk about my family, I am referring to my nieces, who I have a very close relationship to, and my mother and Grandmother, for whom I am a caregiver. When I speak of being selfish, I think I mean more in a "there are children starving in Africa"…
  • I have the same problem! It doesn't matter how much I eat during the day, I still do it. Most of the time I am awake enough to know I am doing it but not awake enough to stop it. It sucks! I don't keep unhealthy foods in the house, but I do keep things like cereal and nuts which ordinarily would not be bad but eating…
  • Awesome! I feel better. I do tend to over estimate calories (if I order a burger, I tend to assume it is at least 2000 calories.) I just get a little paranoid because I have come so far and now that I am starting to eat more "normally" I am terrified of falling back.
  • Sorry, I meant the salad I had yesterday was 395 calories. I think last time I got my burrito bowl it was supposed to be 515 calories, which still seems really good for that serving size. I guess it just seemed too good to be true. Thanks :)
  • Peanut Honey Pretzel tastes like happiness!
  • You look amazing! Great Job!
  • 110 pounds lost in 13 months
  • Thank you all so much!!
  • Throw away your scale! You say you feel better and your clothes fit better, which means you ARE making progress no matter what the scale says. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and there are many other factors that could contribute to the scale not going down. If you are burning more calories than you are taking…
  • When I first got it I literally couldn't last 5 min! You just have to start out slow and gradually increase your workout. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Buying the elliptical was the best investment I ever made.
  • Aww, thanks **blushes**
  • Thanks Everyone! I started last year and got fed up of always being in pain, and I was starting to have some health problems so I bought and elliptical machine and joined MFP. I started out at I think 1600 calories and got down to 1200 calories a day (to lose 2 pounds a month). Since I was close to my goal I started…
  • I have the exact same problem! I'll be so good all day, and end up doing the zombie eating thing and ruining everything! What is almost as bad as the fact that I'm eating in the middle of the night, is I end up not brushing my teeth afterward and wake up in the morning feeling horrible that I ate, and my mouth feels gross.
  • Part of the reason I like doing the cheat day once a month is BECAUSE I end up feeling like crap at the end of the day. If I go long periods of time without cheating, I start fantasizing about how AMAZING it would feel to eat whatever I want. If I allow myself to eat whatever I want for that one day, it gets rid of that…
  • I have one cheat day every 1-2 months. Usually coincides with a special occasion, but not always. Sometimes it is its own special occasion :). I eat whatever I want from 12:01 a.m. until midnight that night.