

  • Wow! You look like a different person! AND you look younger! Great job!
  • I just had my weigh in with my doctor about 30 minutes ago. I lost 7 pounds but also lost muscle mass. That is NOT good. I have been exercising alot and eating less than 1200 calories. I was told today that I need to EAT MORE TO LOSE MORE! Yes, you will lose weight by not eating enough...but you will also lose muscle mass…
  • Thanks for the support everyone! It has been so hard for me! I had my first child a year ago and gained 40 pounds afterwards! I have NEVER been this big! I am still in my maternity clothes because my pre-pregnant clothes don't fit. I also went shopping after I had the baby to get bigger clothes and now THEY don't fit…
  • I noticed that the meal replacement shake you drank had 230 calories. To me, those things are NOT filling and they have too many calories! You could have had something like low calorie toast, veggie sausage and egg beaters. Also, there is a website where you can find all kinds of -0- calorie jellies, CHOCOLATE SYRUP,…
  • I am having trouble losing my weight after having a baby too...except mine was A YEAR AGO! I put on 40 pounds after having him and I was already overweight before I got pregnant! I am getting married in April 2011 and my goal is 120...I don't know if I can make it. It is so hard! I understand what you're going thru! Best…