Absolutely do not do squats and lunges to reduce the size of your thighs. This will only make them larger. A huge misconception when people want to reduce their thighs and then do squats and lunges. You should increase your activity. Walk, walk, walk. It's low impact and burns calories. Aim for a total of 10,000 steps a…
Hi - Anatomically, your abs and back work together for all core work (working out, or just in life). Rather than focusing on more ab workouts, spend some time focusing on the flexibility on your lower back. You can build flexibility in a number of ways, but perhaps try this one, 4-5reps, 3-4xday for a few weeks: Stand one…
Hi! Sounds like you're doing great! I had the same issue when I upped my workouts when I was first trying to lose weight. I found that eating a meal containing high-protein, some fiber and a healthy fat did the trick.The salad and fish for lunch after your workout is a good meal. Getting a high amount of protein after your…