

  • I hate how her workout wear are targeted for slim people...i like her videos and recipe ideas though
  • Ohhh I have to tell you my latest find! Crystal Light Energy - Wild Strawberry!! I LOVE that stuff! It has 60mg of caffeine but it doesnt give me the jitters or heart palpitations. I am still a coffee drinker in the morning, then I drink no more than two packets (two 16oz water bottles) a day of the Crystal Light Energy.…
    in Mio? Comment by LeslieG805 August 2012
  • When I was in school it seemed I was always one size bigger than everyone. If I was a 7 they were a 5, if I was a 12 they were a 10. I've always been 'thick' and more of a spectator when it comes to sports. I am now 45 years young with a few health problems and let me tell you if I had to do it all over again, I would've…
  • I take 175mcg Levothyroxine a day and I understand what you mean by being tired constantly. I also have RA which makes me tired, anemia which makes me tired and the meds for RA make me tired. I yawn constantly. What has been helping me lately is the Wii Fit - I dont think of it as exercise because its fun. The more I do…