CJ33711 Member


  • I did it! Thanks for the challenge:) Cj
  • I'm in for the challenge!!!
  • I would definitely like to join your book club! I just bought a book for another book club that I was going to join called "boy in the tree" by Mary Swan. I haven't started reading it yet but I bought it off Amazon used. You can actually buy them for about 3 dollars used. Mine was $6, but it may be one of the new ones??…
  • I saw your post the beginning of May and posted back to you saying how you motivated me to want to run again. Well I started about 3 weeks ago! Thank you!!!! I am training with Jeff Galloway, he is a long time pro. Runner and believes in the run/ walk training schedule. I downloaded his app. To my IPhone and he talks me…
  • Good job everyone! I just finished for the week too. I haven't gotten into the guts of jogging or running yet but it's coming! Thanks to all of you and my desire to run again. CJ
  • Today I walked 4mph for 30 mins with a jog of 20 seconds in between:) CJ
  • I am having trouble downloading a c25 app., so I went out this morning and walked fast for 18 mins. It's a start:) CJ
  • Timed sounds better for me because I am a beginner again:) CJ
  • Hi, My name is CJ and I am very excited about running with all of you! I use to be a runner, I even ran The Disney Marathon in 2000. I stopped running about 10 years ago because of a ankle injury. Then I gained about 40 lbs and I always thought that was too heavy to start back up again. So I've been waiting to lose this…
  • Wow! You make me want to run! I think I will:)! Thanks!!! Good luck with your continued running success. CJ
  • I was able to get my walk in. This morning at 6:30. It was in the 50's. Cool and brisk, just the way I like it! CJ
  • The trick to staying full longer is to have protein with every meal or even snack. Example: B- 1/2 cup of old fashion oats with fruit and a poached egg for the protein:). Good Luck!
  • My husband and I own a Gym and I know your talking about with the cell phones:). My husband is into making signs so he just made one with a saying off the Internet that read....." if your on your cell phone... You must be so important" ( the picture next to it is a " leave it to Beaver" mom winking her eye. It is so funny,…
  • You are my motivation! Great Job! CJ
  • Hello everyone, I am a former member of WW, and TBL club, my friends told me about MFP and I can't wait to get started! I am just over 200 lbs and I need to be 160 lbs. summer is approaching fast and I want to look and feel better in my clothes. I would love to be friends with all of you! I just need to navigate around…