What annoys you at the gym?



  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Other than that...I wear those fingerless gloves while lifting weights. I don't like calluses on my hands and it keeps the sweat off my hands...I can't imagine why that would annoy someone else?

    FWIW gloves actually impair your ability to lift properly and get in the way of development of grip strength.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I once watched a guy flex his muscles in the mirror, then kiss his flexed biceps. Gag. :sick:

    Bodybuilders typically flex in the mirror between sets for a couple of reasons, for the pump, and more importantly, to practice their poses.

    And really, it is quite motivating to see months, and even years, of hard work in the mirror.
    Narcissists and their excuses.

    If you are going to kiss your bicep you should take yoga classes as well. If you are lucky you might get flexible enough to service yourself.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    I forgot one! I always find it really funny that people circle the parking lot for 10 mins to get the closest possible spot, then jump on the treadmill lol it's like really? You weren't willing to walk across the parking lot to go to the gym and walk?

  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    to annoy people at my gym who like to gawk and stare at me everyday I give them a reason to stare and wear a shirt that says "**** you" in big letters on the front............yeah finally after like 8x of wearing it I was told I cant anymore, that people get offended......ooooooook well thats what they get for staring! I get offended that they see a big woman sweating and working her *kitten* off in there while you sit on the machines watching me! making snarky comments about how i look in my clothes....get a life or get the eff out of the gym *kitten*!
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    I'm confused as to why people get mad about naked people in the locker room...isn't there where you're supposed to change? If all of us went and hid in the bathroom stalls no one would ever get out of there lol.

    I think this may have been mentioned, but I don't appreciate it when people come up and ask my trainer questions when we're clearly in the middle of my training session. I'm paying a lot of $ for this service, people go ask someone who's not with a client.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    im still laughing about men resting their balls on sink tops :laugh:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    guys that only do bicep curls and bench press.

    you people are going to end up with the worst posture.seriously.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Other than that...I wear those fingerless gloves while lifting weights. I don't like calluses on my hands and it keeps the sweat off my hands...I can't imagine why that would annoy someone else?

    FWIW gloves actually impair your ability to lift properly and get in the way of development of grip strength.

    it's true... chalk is the way to go :)
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack

    All of this!
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    The only thing that annoys me at the gym is when people don't wipe down the machines! Seriously! I realize that sometimes people forget, but today I was doing the weight machines. I make a point of wiping down every machine I'm on when I'm done. So many people don't. And they are sweaty! Even when they see me wiping down a machine, they don't. Otherwise, it's whatever. I might think to myself that drinking soda after working out isn't the best choice, but I don't know their circumstance lol.

    Making fun of people at the gym is really low. That's horrible!

    Agree. The gym I go to has about one bottle and clean rag per machine. How hard is it to spray and wipe?
  • Gemma1317
    Gemma1317 Posts: 18 Member
    Being chatted up! If they fancy me when I'm sweaty, smelly & red in the face they must be desperate! I go to the gym to work out not to have a chat when I can hardly breathe :-/
  • CJ33711
    CJ33711 Posts: 1,289 Member
    My husband and I own a Gym and I know your talking about with the cell phones:). My husband is into making signs so he just made one with a saying off the Internet that read....." if your on your cell phone... You must be so important" ( the picture next to it is a " leave it to Beaver" mom winking her eye. It is so funny, I love it

  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    I HATE the grunters. A few weeks ago there was some guy on the treadmill next to me who was running fast ( like 6+mph) and grunted the whole time. Seriously, slow it down if it is THAT hard. I was 40 minutes into MY workout, struggling to keep going, and could hear him through my headphones turned up.

    He's grunting because he's pushing himself past his boundaries............... he should be applauded not ridiculed. Its' a gym where you're supposed to work hard. If you want quite, try a library!

    My gym (boxing) I was encouraged to make noise when on the heavy bag / pad work as the breathing was timed to punching and
    provided extra power as well as providing a reminder on my breathing.


    At least they're secure enough with themselves that they dont care what you think.. it's a gym. People arent loud enough if you ask me!!!
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    people who do mat work/other work where the TRX is... so you can't use the TRX because someone is there even though there's HEAPS of space elsewhere!

    people who race you when you're swimming ugh

    people who don't pack their equipment away
  • ishax24
    ishax24 Posts: 51 Member
    I HATE when people who have just walked into the gym and smell get on the treadmill right next to me.. after walking past 10 empty ones!!! Really gets me agitated - I usually have cut my run short and hop onto another one because of them.
    Also guys standing in front of me watching me workout like I can't notice them - I've had to completely change my gym time because of this.
  • brehol
    brehol Posts: 4 Member
    I can't stand people that drop weights after a set. If you are strong enough to lift it, you are strong enough to put it down gently! It sounds like bombs are going off in my gym with the guys who drop the weights like they're hot. I guess it's because they want us all to turn around and see how heavy the weight is that they clearly can't lift properly!!!
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Perfume. An asthmatic episode due to someone needing to smell like a toilet with another disgusting odor on it is quite unpleasant.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I actually laughed out loud tonight at the gym- not on purpose or in a mean way, I just turned around and there was a guy giving himself sex eyes while doing bicep curls. Luckily nobody can hear me when I have headphones on, right? 'Cause that's what I choose to believe when I'm grunting at the end of doing high intensity treadmill intervals....

    IMO there is a big difference between a couple of grunts at the end of your workout VS grunting the entire damn time. The guy that I originally was talking about was grunting like he was taking a dump/having a heart attack/having an orgasm or whatever for a solid 30+ minutes. I had my iPod plugged into the treadmill, it was on FULL volume and I could STILL hear every one.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    I go to a small gym that I love and everyone pretty much does their own thing. However, I recently had an encounter with a "surfer dude" type whom I'd never seen before. I was in the middle of a front squat/push press when he taps me on the shoulder to tell me I shouldn't lift weights because "they're bad for you." I smiled sweetly and responded with "much like interrupting my workout to tell me that is bad for you?" Ugh! I put my earphones back in and continued.

    These types of people are why I opted for the smaller, neighborhood gym. :angry:
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    What annoys me, since we are on a list. Those who walk up to you and ask to hop in. As if your last set will throw them off balance,

    You have a sign on your forehead that tells how many sets you have left, do you? Or is there some other way people are supposed to know you have only one set left?