What annoys you at the gym?



  • Rff7362
    Rff7362 Posts: 3 Member
    I work out at 5;20 AM so that there are less people at the Gym. Love the post here, My 2 cents please

    I think I have met the same two ladies at my gym! The hipocracy is amusing isnt it?
    Having a phone at the gym means your not "Present" and not concentrating on what you are there for! What you cant get away for 30 min, really!

    WIPE the machines down, there is nothing more gross than a sweaty usually overweight person really working hard and leaving there funk on the machine!!! AHHHHH I wipe down every time.

    What is wrong with hitting on the ladies at the gym!!!! LOL, I know most have headphones on for a reason, but the view is still nice! LOL

    "Grunting sounds like an Orgasm", it does?

    Gym rats are amusing! I recently copied a really difficult routine I saw being done. Let me share.
    3 Pull Ups, 5 Push Ups, 7 squats as many reps/times as you can do in 5 min! Rest for two min, then repeat! Wow, that added cardio to my wieght routine, thanks sir gym rat!

    I have taken to swimming instead of running for cardio, same calorie burn, it is great. I only do freestyle for 30 min 50 meter laps, usually get in 20 in about 28 min.

    Work out, concentrate on you and dont get annoyed (Except at people that dont wipe machines) and enjoy the humanity at the gym, hey they are their at least.

    See you at the gym!
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    What annoys me at the gym?...guys or gals, but mostly guys who wear sun glasses!!! Really?? That's just silly!!!
    Since I'm one of those guys, let me ask you: How does that affect you at all?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    What annoys me, since we are on a list. Those who walk up to you and ask to hop in. As if your last set will throw them off balance,

    You have a sign on your forehead that tells how many sets you have left, do you? Or is there some other way people are supposed to know you have only one set left?

    Usually if I see someone hanging out near some equipment I need to use, I ask if they are using it. Most of the time they hurry on up or are willing to share.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I'm confused as to why people get mad about naked people in the locker room...isn't there where you're supposed to change? If all of us went and hid in the bathroom stalls no one would ever get out of there lol.

    Its not the nudity that I dislike that is a given, I could care less about dudes walking around nude, Im not looking I am there to get showered, dressed and leave in a timely matter.

    It is the guys that try to engage in conversation with you, or that are trying to get you to sit there and talk to them nude. Or the ones that just sit there for an extended period of time naked hoping another guy is going to talk to them.

    There was this one guy that basically comes in to the locker room *pre work out* gets naked and just sits on his towel on the bench trying to talk to every body as they come in. If he sees boxing gloves he asks them about boxing, if he sees a head set he asks him about that headset. I finally complained about the guy and so did quite a few others and last I heard he had his membership banned due to harassment of other guests.

    It probably doesn't happen in the woman's locker room but quite often you get some guys that just want to sit around naked.

    Oh and don't get me going about the sounds of a guy masturbating in the shower.... it validates every thing I do to not actually contact the floor or walls or anything with my skin... (flip flops, plastic bags etc)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    Oh and don't get me going about the sounds of a guy masturbating in the shower.... it validates every thing I do to not actually contact the floor or walls or anything with my skin... (flip flops, plastic bags etc)

    Oh now that is gross!!!!! Worst offense I've read in this thread! Thank god I'm a woman...
  • Pierced
    Pierced Posts: 36 Member
    My phone stays in my locker at the gym , that is my mental time and I don't want to be chatting on the phone.
    I really don't give a crap on who is watching me, again that is my time and the only one I am there to impress is myself.
    But men with cologne & and women with perfume that lingers long after you have pased or left the area is my huge pet peeve, it actually make me sick to my stomach.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I can't stand people that drop weights after a set. If you are strong enough to lift it, you are strong enough to put it down gently! It sounds like bombs are going off in my gym with the guys who drop the weights like they're hot. I guess it's because they want us all to turn around and see how heavy the weight is that they clearly can't lift properly!!!

    Have you ever lifted heavy? If you're lifting to failure then often times no you can't just drop it. I'm not going to injure myself so your ears don't have to hear the weights drop.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm confused as to why people get mad about naked people in the locker room...isn't there where you're supposed to change? If all of us went and hid in the bathroom stalls no one would ever get out of there lol.

    Its not the nudity that I dislike that is a given, I could care less about dudes walking around nude, Im not looking I am there to get showered, dressed and leave in a timely matter.

    It is the guys that try to engage in conversation with you, or that are trying to get you to sit there and talk to them nude. Or the ones that just sit there for an extended period of time naked hoping another guy is going to talk to them.

    There was this one guy that basically comes in to the locker room *pre work out* gets naked and just sits on his towel on the bench trying to talk to every body as they come in. If he sees boxing gloves he asks them about boxing, if he sees a head set he asks him about that headset. I finally complained about the guy and so did quite a few others and last I heard he had his membership banned due to harassment of other guests.

    It probably doesn't happen in the woman's locker room but quite often you get some guys that just want to sit around naked.

    Oh and don't get me going about the sounds of a guy masturbating in the shower.... it validates every thing I do to not actually contact the floor or walls or anything with my skin... (flip flops, plastic bags etc)

    I thought that guys talking to each other naked in the locker room is a big "no no" according to the "man code." EEK.

    I talk to naked women in my locker room, but only if they talk first and if I know them. It's not a big deal to me and not sexual in any way.

    The masturbating in the shower thing is gross. EW.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Have you ever lifted heavy? If you're lifting to failure then often times no you can't just drop it. I'm not going to injure myself so your ears don't have to hear the weights drop.

    If your lifting weights that are designed to be dropped then by all means drop them. They are designed for that. Most gyms in my experience (LA Fitness 24 Hour Bally) do not have rubber coated / pvc coated weights. You are simply going to damage the floor, weights or other people in the area.

    If you can't sustain a lift half way to clean lift you shouldn't be lifting it, unless of course again it was designed for that then drop them all you want because if they are dropping weights they won't be that loud and they bounce.

    Not that concerned about the noise I am more concerned about the idiot dropping it and injuring someone else or themselves.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Have you ever lifted heavy? If you're lifting to failure then often times no you can't just drop it. I'm not going to injure myself so your ears don't have to hear the weights drop.

    If your lifting weights that are designed to be dropped then by all means drop them. They are designed for that. Most gyms in my experience (LA Fitness 24 Hour Bally) do not have rubber coated / pvc coated weights. You are simply going to damage the floor, weights or other people in the area.

    If you can't sustain a lift half way to clean lift you shouldn't be lifting it, unless of course again it was designed for that then drop them all you want because if they are dropping weights they won't be that loud and they bounce.

    Not that concerned about the noise I am more concerned about the idiot dropping it and injuring someone else or themselves.

    Agree here. My LA fitness does not have properly padded flooring or weights to be dropping 200+ lbs to the floor. I lift heavy also, but I always rerack and never drop.
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    My husband and I own a Gym and I know your talking about with the cell phones:). My husband is into making signs so he just made one with a saying off the Internet that read....." if your on your cell phone... You must be so important" ( the picture next to it is a " leave it to Beaver" mom winking her eye. It is so funny, I love it

    Seems like that would be better using the Willy Wonka meme:

  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I've only made it to page 6, but I haven't seen anyone mention:

    Not racking your weights when you're done.

    I can't count how many times I've had to move 90-280 lbs of plates before I could lift my puny 50-80 lbs. I feel like the gym mom.
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    I hate waiting for machines and weights when the persons rest period between sets is like 5 minutes. Or they read a magazine in between. It also irritates me those who do two machines at once....alternating between. Yes it speeds up your workout but your hogging two machines at once.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ooh I forgot about the people that hog machines/peices of equipment//benches etc. . I think there should be rules against doing that during peak hours. If you want to run a circuit between several popular machines, do it during the day or late at night. That makes me livid.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Seriously, there are a lot of haters in here who need to chill out. I can understand some of the things people are raising (from a courtesy point of view), but to be honest, if you have the energy and time to notice half this stuff then you're not working hard enough!!!

    As for the grunting & sweating, that part and parcel with pushing your physical boundaries............ if you are not sweating & grunting then again, you're not working hard enough.

    Chill out people.
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    I think it's annoying and weird that people get territorial with their "specific" bike, or elliptical, or that certain "spot" they always stand in for Zumba..etc.. I mean truly getting pissed if God forbid someone else wanted to use it too. If they need a particluar piece of equipment or location that belongs to only them to feel as though their workout is complete, my advice is STAY HOME! That way everything is theirs! :drinker:
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    Great post! And I find it hilarious that these two women came in with calorie laden Starbuck's drinks and then put down people actually exercising.

    Anyway, I have been working out for years in a gym and I have accumulated a list o fthings that annoy me but the things that come to mind are the following:

    1. People using benches and other gym equipment to store their towel, water bottle etc.
    2. People who do circuit training. Sorry, but I am old school, three sets and then on to the next exercise.
    3. People who use the gym as a social hour. Having a brief conversation is fine but spending twenty minutes on the weight bench talking about other people in the gym is not cool.
    4. The half an hour rule on cardio equipment. This should be bumped to at least fourty minutes in my opinion. I hate feeling like the "gym police" are going to come tackle me off the Eliptical once I have been on their 31 minutes.
    5. Grunting and dropping weights. I am all about weight lifting but I do not want to hear some one's primal scream while they lift weights nor do I want to look up every few minutes to make sure no one is hurt when I hear the metal clank of weight dropping on the ground. Just not cool...
  • bnmeyer10
    bnmeyer10 Posts: 2
    i could not agree with you anymore on that one! even if they were the most fit people at least those people are in there trying to better themselves. you should ask them if their startbucks is their pre-workout drink? :p;)
  • bnmeyer10
    bnmeyer10 Posts: 2
    oh another one of my peeves... creepy men that watch me while i lift weights "yes i am a girl and can lift" them staring makes me feel uncomfortable it is hard to workout.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Everything annoys me at the gym- which is why I work out at home and on the bike trail.