Mia_Bella_Vita Member


  • Just keep going. If you can, drink water before and after each meal. See if it's really hunger. It could be in your mind. If you are an emotional eater try googling emotional eating. Sometimes just reading about what you are doing is enough to stop. Are you allowing enough flexibility in your eating plan? I just watched…
  • I love this! So great... ! I too think my most sacred space is within me. It's inside me. In my joy. In my pain. In my tears and my laughter. It's the part of me that always KNOWS that everything is really okay. No matter what. :heart:
  • One of my favorite sayings is "No Grit. No Pearl." That aside, I know what it is like to feel like the world is crumbling around you and not know what to do. I am sorry to hear things are so hard right now but I don't think you can really get off this planet without living through something that knocks you to your knees.…
  • Nice to meet you Lou! I'm new too here. I know how frustrating it can be to re-gain weight. But I know it is possible to lose it again! You can do anything you set your mind to. Hugs & Smiles