kelkel500 Member


  • I just left WW after a 3 month plateau and I'm liking this way better. I stick to 1200 calories (I'm 5'5) and on weekends I'll give myself permission to eat my exercise calories if I want a little splurge. I do like the freedom of eating clean healthy fats like avocado/ chia seeds/ olive oil without the passive aggressive…
  • thanks that helps!
  • I've done it in LA and its awesome! Depending on instructor typically it's 15 minute drill on treadmill, 15 minutes with weights 15 treadmill and 15 weights. Mits really hard but fun!
  • Awe that's my then 3 month old son who turns two in 2 weeks! I also have a 4 month old daughter who basically looks just like that :)
  • great!! lets friend eachother! I like to check in every day, it helps me stay accountable!
  • thanks, though are there any particular brands of chocolate whey protein shakes that taste good? I will look into Attain, thanks! And I am aware of beach body coach tactics, and bought mine on the cheap through ebay so i didn't have to get roped into a pitch, and as much as it kills me to have paid that $ which ultimately…