

  • Invest in a heart rate monitor. I add the exercise to my exercise diary, and then I input the readings from my HRM each workout.
  • A.M.E.N.
    in Fear Comment by reslere March 2012
  • If you have a dedicated running store near you, I would recommend having them "fit" you for the right shoe. My local store observed my stand, run, and walk, and then they offered two shoes that would fit me the best. I have always been a Brooks fan for running, and they put my in Asics. I must say, they fit my foot (high…
  • My doctor advised me that when you are trying to form a new habit, you have to continue it faithfully. With that being said, if you let him cry it out on night #1, it will get slightly better on night #2, etc. When trying to teach my daughter her nap times, it was rough at the beginning; however, she never made a peep from…
  • A TELEVISION!! I also recommend watching DVR'd events rather than "live" tv. . . it really makes the time fly!
  • I am on day six of the Shred, and I am also training for two half-marathons. So, cardio, cardio, cardio (20+ miles a week) and the Shred every day. Great results so far! Enjoy!
  • I was taught to consider one mile equal to 100 calories.