

  • I think we need to find a happy medium. Unrealistic body images of super thin airbrushed models are equally unhealthy and should not be "accepted" just the same as extreme morbid obesity should not be "accepted" neither are healthy both are extreme. However we need to separate a person's body image from who they are and…
  • Someone took the time out of their day to give you a compliment. They could have said nothing and ignored your success but they wanted to let you know they recognized your hard work. They wanted to motivate you and lift you up. I don't have to be supporting you or there through the nitty gritty to be proud of your…
  • Welcome! Remember just take it one step at a time! You didn't gain weight over night and you won't loose it but if you keep putting one foot in front of the other even when you feel like you aren't getting anywhere you'll be amazed with the results. Good luck!
  • I started with 114lbs to loose ... 10 down so far! I try to be helpful and motivate others. I recently started out a few weeks ago myself so if you're still looking for others to add on your journey feel free to add me. Same goes out to anyone else. It really helps to have MFP friends who help motivate each other.
  • What a dangerous request, hehe. Good luck!
  • They have trout as a low carb option... its lemon pepper and delicious! I was just there yesterday. The sides are up to you you can fall victim to hashbrown casserole or eat some veggies.
  • You and me both! Hahaha! ;-p
  • I work in a vet clinic lots of sick pets to see (and healthy ones to vaccinate). BUT a 3 day weekend is not a bad trade.
  • It can be hard when you are trying to help yourself and gain confidence and someone else tears you down (even if they don't know you are trying to help yourself). I have seen most often when people are losing weight others around them can become vicious for seemingly no reason because them seeing you getting lighter (even…
  • I work in a vet clinic and I see this all the time as well. So many people have no idea not only of how the dog is supposed to behave but also how to properly take care of one. Research is key! Even if it's a mutt look up both breeds and don't just expect to get the *best* traits of both dogs either you may get the worst…
  • I am a receptionist. I have to get up and down to put medical charts up in the door way behind my desk and I always get up and walk to ask questions. This still doesn't add up to much. Because I am constantly in the eye of patients in our waiting room I really can't "work out" at my desk. So the drinking more water and…
  • I thought I hated exercise myself. No matter what I just couldn't seem to get myself to do it. There was always an excuse. Yet I found when I actually was working out I felt better. My issue was just making myself actually do it. It may seem silly that I have that weird wall there but I do. So I am trying to just force…
  • Thanks for sharing!!!! Pretty cool stuff!
  • I too agree with naked weigh ins bright and early after a bathroom break. I am one of the many who wants no excuses. I agree though weigh ins at the Dr. Office will have me heavier but as I'm only going once a month it should still show a trend of me "loosing" so my Doctor does know I'm working on things. I do take off my…
  • MFP has a place for you to track your measurements so that is nice. I hop on the scale once a week but take measurements the same day as my weigh in day that way I have a better overall idea. Though I won' t lie I've fantasized about taking a sledge hammer to the mean LYING scale... (I swear it lies... ) Also gauge your…
  • Focus on small goals... take your measurements, they are more accurate then just a number on a scale. Sure its nice to see yourself getting lighter but I personally get more excited when the inches come off. The inches are what people SEE and they are what make your clothes fit better. They when you plateau will be your…
  • Processed food lb for lb costs less than fresh whole foods we all know this. What can make whole foods "cheaper" often is the fact that we need less whole foods to be satisfied and fueled up than we do of the processed foods. You get more proverbial bang for your buck buying whole foods over processed nutrient lacking…
  • You are so inspiring! I have 100lbs to loose and I've been wondering if it's even possible! Thank you for sharing your success and giving the rest of us the knowledge that it can be done! You are awesome keep up the amazing work! You go girl!!!!
  • One important thing here is, try to look at things from his point of view. Does he deserve to not be able to keep himself on track and positively motivate others because you are struggling? It isn't his fault your bodies burn and store fat differently. He can't make you loose weight faster, he can't make you be able to eat…
  • This is a big issue for me. I have lost out to that "deprivation feeling" everyone keeps talking about. I think that its not about what is "ok" to do or "not ok" because for everyone that is different. It's all about nutrition. You can maximize your weight loss by really going all in and cutting yourself off from what is…
  • I Have two wonderful kitties myself. I've always been a cat lover!
  • Wow I must say I am very happily surprised by all of the support everyone here has offered me. It really is amazing and inspiring to hear all of your words of advice and encouragement. Thank you for taking time out of your day to say a few kind words to me. You all have helped to me to start of on the right foot. Thank you…