liz_steinborn Member


  • Just been veggie for 3 weeks now and I really like it. It's cheaper and easier to prep food. Still crave burgers, but I'm working through it - my lentil burger recipe is good!
  • I love the Enell sports bra. It doesn't make them look hot, but it certainly keeps them from moving. I never really got into running until I found this bra.
  • I'm right there with you! It's so easy to slip into the "snacks of the season". By filling up on full veggie servings each day, I'm feeling more in control.
  • Every Day: I love grilled chicken on whole wheat tortillas with tzaziki sauce and cucumber slices For a splurge: burgers and milkshakes.
  • You could work with some resistance bands on your own to build up stamina so you're ready to head to the gym. And after a month or so, maybe you'll have an opportunity to meet some of the other folks on the base and find a buddy to go with. You can do it!
  • I have at least an hour of cleaning waiting for me when I get home - so I'll be working on that! Tomorrow I'll go walking again, but I'm tired today!
  • 30 minutes of brisk walking - almost a 4 mph pace!
  • Woops! I missed yesterday. But I got out and walked for 38 minutes this morning. I use RunKeeper on my iPhone and it tells me my average speed, so I keep trying to beat my old speeds. Good motivation!
  • Really love anything by Barbara Kingsolver - between "The Lacuna" and "Prodigal Summer".
  • Oooh, swimming sounds great! I did 45 minutes of gardening/housekeeping. Kind of cheating counting it as activity, since it has to be done, but it's Saturday. :wink:
  • Today might be my "off" day. I took two 30-minute walks yesterday and plan for an hour-long one tomorrow. I'll reignite the jog on Monday. :)
  • I walked for 40 minutes. Just started running when my music died...killed my runner too. So, I'll recharge and be ready for a jog tomorrow, but the walk today still counts! 7 days everyone! That's great that we've all made it 7 days!
  • Haven't done a bit of exercise today - I voted to sleep in over jog. But I think I'll wrap up my workday with some yoga!
  • Peppers (and any raw veg for snacks) Apples& Bananas Eggs Salsa Fiber One cereal Water w/fruit or veggies in it (lemon, lime, cucumber slices) Yogurt Boneless skinless chicken breasts spinach canned tuna
  • I hate days like that. Honestly, I just make a point to start a workout and give myself 15 minutes. If I still want to quit after 15 minutes, I do - no hard feelings - because at least I made an effort. And for food, I just try to lay into the veggies and fruit because the calories are low. Worst case scenario, you go over…
  • Thanks! On the 1st I walked/jogged for 35 minutes 2nd walked/jogged for 40 minutes 3rd cleaned house for 30 minutes 4th walked/jogged 35 minutes 5th walked/jogged 35 minutes And from now on, I'll try to make sure I update every day!
  • Of the 35-minutes I was out running/walking, I think I only enjoyed about 5 of them. Blurg. But, I did it and I'll do it again tomorrow. :grumble: :ohwell:
  • 20 minute walk and 10 minute run. I'm finding that I can run longer distances without needing to walk, I just have to be willing to push myself. That feels awesome.
  • I'm happy to check in regularly. What sort of incentives to people have for themselves? I think, after exercising every day for the month, I'm getting a new pair of running shoes!
  • I think I'd like a sweater in fingering weight. I can't bear the thought of callus my finger would get if I tried to make one now! I've done a few on size 5 needles, but it'd be nice to have a tighter knit. Does anyone use a knitting machine?
  • I'm Liz - 28 and living in Illinois. I learned to knit & crochet in college and have been happily crafting for the last 8 years. I've made five sweaters, endless hats, quite a few baby blankets, and am really digging on a crocheted bag pattern these days. I also knit to avoid eating at night. I'm glad this group exists!
  • I'd suggest joining a team in your community if you love to play sports - but be careful because a lot of community teams like to drink beer while they play which ups the calories you take in. But I'd say measure your food. If you feel like you need to fuel your body even when you aren't hungry, reach for fruit and…
  • cool mint chocolate clif bar and 2 glasses of water. I'd been drinking coffee for breakfast the last couple of days and have been extremely irritable. I figured it couldn't just be work I had to blame, so I tried breakfast and I'm already in a better mood!
  • Hello! I have used MFP for the last three days and realized it will be much more fun to have some friends to interact with instead of just calories in and calories out to look at. I'm following a more Mediterranean diet (low on meat, high on veggies and fruit). I have a feeling I will be moving into the vegetarian group…