Have you sustained this rate of weight loss for longer than three weeks or did you just make change to your diet three weeks ago? If it's sustained, it's a bit fast and you could try making your calorie deficit smaller. If you just started dieting, see how your weight develops over the next weeks and then decide. To…
Beans and lentils are awesome foods that are high carb/high protein and low fat. If you're willing to try something new, textured vegetable protein is a great product based on soybean. Very high protein, very versatile in the kitchen. Protein powder is an easy and quick way to get more protein, but I consider it less of a…
Just aim for what should be a regular day. Don't undereat to compensate or punish yourself. The goal is to have a consistent and healthy diet every day. It's not always possible, but strive towards it - even if you just had a misstep.
Nuts are great and very calorie dense as they contain a lot of fat, but also protein. You can also just add more fat to your regular meals through things like dressings made with olive oil.