Dense calories food

nephalime Posts: 22 Member
Hi guys,

I'm on a gluten and dairy free diet due to health reasons. I find it hard to consume calories. Yesterday, i was below 1000 calories and i did exercise. I know it's too low.

I eat mostly : fruits, veggies, shrimps, rice cake, mung bean or rice noodles, natural peannut butter, soy and coconut milk.

My meals are around 200 calories and i can't eat more because i'm so full. Any ideas on dense calories food ?

I need around 1500 calories to maintain, i have a desk job and get no exercise during the day whatsoever.

Thanks !


  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Can you eat nuts? That would be my choice. Maybe something like coconut milk yogurt or ice cream? I haven't tried those, but I know coconut is fairly high in calories, so those could be good dairy-free choices (another one of my go-to choices when I need calories is full-fat Greek yogurt, but I know you couldn't have that).
  • nephalime
    nephalime Posts: 22 Member
    Yes i can eat nuts, i will try and incorporate that in my diet. I didn't know they made dairy like stuff with coconut milk, sounds really good, i will look for that at my grocery store.
    thanks !
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    There are lots of gluten and dairy free yogurts out there, made with almond and coconut milks. Nut butters and avocados are calorie dense. You might want to experiment with cooking and baking. There are lots of wonderful gluten and dairy free recipes out there. Search for Paleo recipes, which are gluten and dairy free.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Meat is calorie dense, didn't see that on your list...
  • nephalime
    nephalime Posts: 22 Member
    That's true i'm not a meat eater/lover, but i do have chicken sometimes.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
  • fzx122
    fzx122 Posts: 4 Member
    Nuts are great and very calorie dense as they contain a lot of fat, but also protein. You can also just add more fat to your regular meals through things like dressings made with olive oil.