nen1020 Member


  • I was kinda posting this as some fun banter against the loathed BMI but this is some good convo. I have no issues about my range though the low end was pretty darn low. I would totally be happy at 180.....hell, at 6'0 tall I'd be rockin' at 180! LOL I just think for some "scale" to tell me what is ideal is silly. Every…
  • Essex here, but up in Warren all the time, and county wide when out riding. Been to Andover a zillion times and I've never seen a naked guy either! One of my friends lives up there....gonna have to ask her. LOL
    in New Jersey?? Comment by nen1020 May 2012
  • 6 pounds is great! If you feel like it's not a lot, pick up a 5 pound weight, or some grocery item or whatever that weighs five pounds and tell yourself, ok, I lost this much plus some. Then you realize how much it really is even if the number seems small! Feel free to add me, anyone. :) Always looking for motivation and…
  • Hi there! Fear does not exist here. We're all here for the same reason and support is endless. If you feel you've "failed", which you never will, as there is no such thing as failure, just times that might not go the way we want but work out the next time, we're here to get ya back into it! I had the same feeling of…
  • Happens to the best of us. The other day I went to a popular chain restaurant and ordered what I assumed would be one of the healthier meals. Then I went home and added it....1160 calories for one stinkin' sandwich! So I looked up this place's nutritional menu....yea, the calories are insane! And I thought back to how I…
  • Born & raised in Essex, lived for a bit in Morris, back in Essex, want to head out to Warren or Hunterdon. LOL And pretty much worked in every other county.... :) I'm only at this for a week so feel free to add!
  • Not a New Englander, but CT is only an hour and change away. :) Hi from NJ! Day 3 begins! Hope everyone has a good day no matter what day they're on!