Let's talk BMI



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I loathe BMI charts and goal weight calculators and frankly have no idea what I'm supposed to weigh. I'm 5'5 and my BMI is technically overweight, but I still have to buy small clothes.

    Hell, my profile pic was 5 lbs away from overweight for my height according to BMI

    Welcome to being an unhealthy genetic freak that has too much muscle like the rest of us!

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    BMI = Bull**** (and leads to) MisInformation

    BF% is what matters because it DOES account for muscle.

    http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ Do these body fat calculators to get a better idea of your level of health. Then find your goal body weight from there!

    Ugh. I tried all 3 of their body fat calculators. And got different readings from all 3. VERY different. 26.0, 26.9 and 34.1. My husband is in the military and knows he is about 20% bf. We tried it for him and he got in the 20% range on all of them. WTF am I doing wrong?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I don't think the ideal weight range is that off. I think people's perception of what is actually healthy is morphed because of the abundance of obese and overweight people. You don't have to be 300 lbs+ to be obese and in greater risk of health problems.

    130 for someone 6'0 is not ideal, it's underweight according to BMI. It gives you a range and if you're "big-boned" then shoot for approximately the higher number. It's not a done deal index. If you're comfortable 10 lbs above the highest number, then go for it. I just don't think the range is drastically off. It's obviously not precisely accurate for a number of reasons, but I'd say 10-15 lbs is its range of error.

    I agree. I keep on being told that 'surely you are not overweight' I had this same response when my BMI was 30.9 (Obese) as now when it is 25.2 (1 pound off healthy weight) To be honest. a size 14 (Uk size) is average- just because your size is average doesn't mean it is healthy. People weigh a lot heavier nowadays! Don't listen to the compliments and have a good look in the mirror. BMI may not be completely accurate- it is a darn good indicator!

    Agreed. BMI alone might not be accurate to decimal point, but it definitely has its value.

    BMI no longer has value. Check your body fat % and take a fitness test. THAT has value.

    :) I think you are a special case. Not every gilr/woman out there can and will build muscle like you have done. I still think the ratio between the weight and height means something for the majority of the population.

    Why? She's not a genetic freak. She doesn't have PCOS, and she's not a man. There's no reason people can't be HEALTHY like Yoovie (even with what you might consider more 'reasonable' mass, she's still not in the healthy portion of that stupid scale). There's been multiple HEALTHY people who've posted that are NOT muscle bound apes.

    The scale is worthless. Just because it fits some small part of the population doesn't mean you, the health insurance industry, or anyone else should be able to cram it on all of our feet.

    Hey, calm down. I didn't say or imply any of those things you said about her. You jumped the gun here oK? She's a special case by which I mean to pay a compliment. She works hard to get where she's. But it doesn't mean most of us out there can do the same and reach the same result. You can say whatever you interprete others comments, but please, keep that to yourself.

    And by the way, if you don't really care for the tool, I wonder why you are so freaking out. If a tool is useless, why would you care so much what the tools tells you ("obese" in your case).
  • nen1020
    nen1020 Posts: 9 Member
    I was kinda posting this as some fun banter against the loathed BMI but this is some good convo. I have no issues about my range though the low end was pretty darn low. I would totally be happy at 180.....hell, at 6'0 tall I'd be rockin' at 180! LOL I just think for some "scale" to tell me what is ideal is silly. Every single one of our bodies is different, processes different, etc. I've got one friend who's maybe 5'8, healthily stick thin and the girl can eat like there's no tomorrow. She's just one of the few blessed with that awesome metab.

    My tools with ease of use are going to be my mirror, my scale, my clothes, and my continuing rise in ability to go longer at the gym, etc. Let's face it, there are some people out there who are noticeably obese and some who are fit as heck. Then there's the 8 zillion of the rest of us who fall into the comfy middle of varying shapes and sizes. I don't think it's up to anybody but our ownselves to decide what is comfortable to us. Just like it's up to someone if they want to inhale cigarette smoke. Their body, not ours....though I was kinda finding it weird to see a woman light up right after a hard workout at the gym, but such is life.

    ANYWAY, I'm loving yours posts. And pics. A good heated or ongoing convo is always good for support! :devil:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I don't think the ideal weight range is that off. I think people's perception of what is actually healthy is morphed because of the abundance of obese and overweight people. You don't have to be 300 lbs+ to be obese and in greater risk of health problems.

    130 for someone 6'0 is not ideal, it's underweight according to BMI. It gives you a range and if you're "big-boned" then shoot for approximately the higher number. It's not a done deal index. If you're comfortable 10 lbs above the highest number, then go for it. I just don't think the range is drastically off. It's obviously not precisely accurate for a number of reasons, but I'd say 10-15 lbs is its range of error.

    I agree. I keep on being told that 'surely you are not overweight' I had this same response when my BMI was 30.9 (Obese) as now when it is 25.2 (1 pound off healthy weight) To be honest. a size 14 (Uk size) is average- just because your size is average doesn't mean it is healthy. People weigh a lot heavier nowadays! Don't listen to the compliments and have a good look in the mirror. BMI may not be completely accurate- it is a darn good indicator!

    Agreed. BMI alone might not be accurate to decimal point, but it definitely has its value.

    BMI no longer has value. Check your body fat % and take a fitness test. THAT has value.

    :) I think you are a special case. Not every gilr/woman out there can and will build muscle like you have done. I still think the ratio between the weight and height means something for the majority of the population.

    Why? She's not a genetic freak. She doesn't have PCOS, and she's not a man. There's no reason people can't be HEALTHY like Yoovie (even with what you might consider more 'reasonable' mass, she's still not in the healthy portion of that stupid scale). There's been multiple HEALTHY people who've posted that are NOT muscle bound apes.

    The scale is worthless. Just because it fits some small part of the population doesn't mean you, the health insurance industry, or anyone else should be able to cram it on all of our feet.

    Hey, calm down. I didn't say or imply any of those things you said about her. You jumped the gun here oK? She's a special case by which I mean to pay a compliment. She works hard to get where she's. But it doesn't mean most of us out there can do the same and reach the same result. You can say whatever you interprete others comments, but please, keep that to yourself.

    And by the way, if you don't really care for the tool, I wonder why you are so freaking out. If a tool is useless, why would you care so much what the tools tells you ("obese" in your case).

    First...I understood what you meant hun, I saw the smiley. I was making the point that the words you said were inaccurate. What you've said this time is more what I believe you meant the first time. She's not different, she just takes care of herself. What you said about 'it doesn't mean most of us out there can do the same and reach the same result' is what I'm arguing with, because it's 100% wrong. MOST of you, can. Very few can't. I do agree most won't (it's not like her results make her overly muscular...she looks INCREDIBLY feminine in my opinion, and the opinion of most other women I've heard reflects that)...which is sad.

    Second, I'm not freaking out. The simple fact is that the more poeple that speak up...the more people will be made aware of the fact that it's useless, and the more chance it has of being removed as the 'bar' of health in the medical field (yes, they use that worthless chart for TONS of things), and more importantly, in the MEDICAL INSURANCE field. Additionally, MANY large companies use this 'harmless' tool as a guage of health for their employees.

    So please, don't say that I'm 'freaking out over a 'tool'. It's not a tool, it's a health standard, used by MANY fields to judge people, and used inaccurately by MANY women (and even some men) to judge where their goal weight should be set. Add to that that it's a health standard that absolutely is inaccurate to a large degree, and you bet I'm going to speak up against it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Wait why cant normal people go to the gym twice a week and pick up 60 pounds and go for walks and a run here and there? I thought I was normal. confused over here. Guess Im not.

    my point was that height on women make it null, not muscles on women which is just... whats a word like racism but anti-female strength?

    Its not a compliment to say Im not normal. I use what I have whereas alot of american women dont. Im normal. But BMI says Im 40-50 pounds overweight. Thats just me helping make people aware that they dont need to kill themselves trying to match what the BMI says, especially if they are over 5'9".

    thanks for backing me up Cris, it was a strange backhanded compliment and now i feel kind of weird. Is the circus hiring?

    meanwhile, here on earth...
    I would totally be happy at 180.....hell, at 6'0 tall I'd be rockin' at 180!

    Im 170 - i believe that you would definitely rock 180. sexy strong and slender.
  • claire7090
    claire7090 Posts: 67
    Yoovie - I'm a bit confused my your BMI complaints - if you are 5"9 and weigh 170lbs you are only about 1lb off being within the healthy BMI range - why are you so against BMI as you are just about in the healthy band? Not meaning any offence just referring to my previous point that there is a healthy range and you are just about in it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yoovie - I'm a bit confused my your BMI complaints - if you are 5"9 and weigh 170lbs you are only about 1lb off being within the healthy BMI range - why are you so against BMI as you are just about in the healthy band? Not meaning any offence just referring to my previous point that there is a healthy range and you are just about in it.

    BMI hs a range so it can account for your skeletal frame size. Im tiny framed, and by tiny framed I mean I have like a 5" wrist, so BMI has me aimed for 130-140 which is 30-40 pounds less than where I am now. My lean mass alone is between 130 and 140.
  • claire7090
    claire7090 Posts: 67
    Yoovie - I'm a bit confused my your BMI complaints - if you are 5"9 and weigh 170lbs you are only about 1lb off being within the healthy BMI range - why are you so against BMI as you are just about in the healthy band? Not meaning any offence just referring to my previous point that there is a healthy range and you are just about in it.

    BMI hs a range so it can account for your skeletal frame size. Im tiny framed, and by tiny framed I mean I have like a 5" wrist, so BMI has me aimed for 130-140 which is 30-40 pounds less than where I am now. My lean mass alone is between 130 and 140.

    Yoovie - have you spoken to someone about your frame - I used to believe I was small framed as I have very small wrists but I have big hands and broad shoulders and hips when I spoke to my Dr about it he said he would consider to me to be mid-large framed because of the width of shoulders/hips and hand size. Wrist size alone is not always 100% accurate. I have been advised a BMI of no less than 23 would be healthy and I have to say that at BMI 23.7 I am getting comments that I am looking very skinny. I know all Dr's have their own opinion but mine seems to have a more realistic view of life. My body fat % not fantastic but recent calculations it was around the 25% mark and I am ok with that.

    Edited to add my wrist size is approx 5.8inches.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    thanks for backing me up Cris, it was a strange backhanded compliment and now i feel kind of weird. Is the circus hiring?

    I'd back you up any day pretty girl (what guy wouldn't?!)...but the fact is you are 100% right, and so backing you up is just common sense.

    And by pretty, I don't mean visually (though you've obviously got that covered lol)...you're an incredible person...that I respect to the core.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yoovie - I'm a bit confused my your BMI complaints - if you are 5"9 and weigh 170lbs you are only about 1lb off being within the healthy BMI range - why are you so against BMI as you are just about in the healthy band? Not meaning any offence just referring to my previous point that there is a healthy range and you are just about in it.

    BMI hs a range so it can account for your skeletal frame size. Im tiny framed, and by tiny framed I mean I have like a 5" wrist, so BMI has me aimed for 130-140 which is 30-40 pounds less than where I am now. My lean mass alone is between 130 and 140.

    Yoovie - have you spoken to someone about your frame - I used to believe I was small framed as I have very small wrists but I have big hands and broad shoulders and hips when I spoke to my Dr about it he said he would consider to me to be mid-large framed because of the width of shoulders/hips and hand size. Wrist size alone is not always 100% accurate. I have been advised a BMI of no less than 23 would be healthy and I have to say that at BMI 23.7 I am getting comments that I am looking very skinny. I know all Dr's have their own opinion but mine seems to have a more realistic view of life. My body fat % not fantastic but recent calculations it was around the 25% mark and I am ok with that.

    Edited to add my wrist size is approx 5.8inches.

    Yeah my doc has me at small, and very small for my height. I get that from my mom. She had bird bones. My body fat % is somewhere between 22-25 up and down over the last year. I could stand to lose about 10 pounds of fat but it would be replaced by muscle- its the story of my life. I've probably lost about 15 pounds in the last year but gained the same in lean mass. Ive been between 171 and 176 for two years but lost several clothing sizes. Several.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    thanks for backing me up Cris, it was a strange backhanded compliment and now i feel kind of weird. Is the circus hiring?

    I'd back you up any day pretty girl (what guy wouldn't?!)...but the fact is you are 100% right, and so backing you up is just common sense.

    And by pretty, I don't mean visually (though you've obviously got that covered lol)...you're an incredible person...that I respect to the core.

  • claire7090
    claire7090 Posts: 67
    Yoovie - I'm a bit confused my your BMI complaints - if you are 5"9 and weigh 170lbs you are only about 1lb off being within the healthy BMI range - why are you so against BMI as you are just about in the healthy band? Not meaning any offence just referring to my previous point that there is a healthy range and you are just about in it.

    BMI hs a range so it can account for your skeletal frame size. Im tiny framed, and by tiny framed I mean I have like a 5" wrist, so BMI has me aimed for 130-140 which is 30-40 pounds less than where I am now. My lean mass alone is between 130 and 140.

    Yoovie - have you spoken to someone about your frame - I used to believe I was small framed as I have very small wrists but I have big hands and broad shoulders and hips when I spoke to my Dr about it he said he would consider to me to be mid-large framed because of the width of shoulders/hips and hand size. Wrist size alone is not always 100% accurate. I have been advised a BMI of no less than 23 would be healthy and I have to say that at BMI 23.7 I am getting comments that I am looking very skinny. I know all Dr's have their own opinion but mine seems to have a more realistic view of life. My body fat % not fantastic but recent calculations it was around the 25% mark and I am ok with that.

    Edited to add my wrist size is approx 5.8inches.

    Yeah my doc has me at small, and very small for my height. I get that from my mom. She had bird bones. My body fat % is somewhere between 22-25 up and down over the last year. I could stand to lose about 10 pounds of fat but it would be replaced by muscle- its the story of my life. I've probably lost about 15 pounds in the last year but gained the same in lean mass. Ive been between 171 and 176 for two years but lost several clothing sizes. Several.

    Keep at it - sounds like you are pretty healthy. :smile:
  • sdai3
    sdai3 Posts: 28 Member
    Yeah when I first came on here and did mine it said I was obese... I'm sorry but.... no. I just laughed and rolled my eyes. My overall goal weight is at the very end of the ''normal weight'' range... whatever. Im just going to go by how I feel and whether or not I look good in a bikini by vacation.