tazzy_toon Member


  • I know with fib it sometimes feels like we aren't getting anywhere. The most important thing to me, is even 10 mins of exercise, anything, helps me to feel better, but if i'm having a crappy, i don't beat myself up if I don't because of stress or pain. Feel free to add me as a friend, we can help each other.
  • It's difficult finding a right balance with fibromyalgia. I am still learning myself. I try to eat the right foods when eating my cal's but sometimes I choose the wrong foods and it slows down my wieght loss. I too am always getting my blood checked for thyroid or surgar issues, but nothing ever shows up. I don't think you…
  • To be honest, exercise has been the best, but my motivation to do it is lacking. I just don't have the energy on the best of days. I never feel energized from excercise, just more tired, but the pain is definatley more managable if i keep it super light. So far Lyrica is the only thing that has helped. 75mg 2x a day is…
  • I've struggles with Fib symtems for most of my adult life, but was always able to stay fit, but could never fully push myself like some of my friends. I've always joked that i'm as strong as an ox for about 5 minutes but that after that i'm exhausted for 5 days. lol I try to keep it light but consistant and keep the junk…
  • I find as long as the exercise is light, i can do most things. I love walking, but find if i walk 2 days in a row, by the 3rd day i'm wiped. Trying to find the balance is the hardest for me. Best of luck to you. Add me as a friend if you'd like :D
    in new Comment by tazzy_toon December 2012
  • Wow, Congrats! you look amazing! Thanks for the blog, very inspiring and encouraging. Thanks for sharing.
  • I'd say add more fruits and veggies and cut down on the fatty sausages. Sometimes it's the quality of the food you are eating over quantity. Having said all that, don't get too discouraged, I have health issues and meds that slow the weightloss process. You just have to remind yourself that if you wheren't doing what you…
  • I eat every night before bed. Just something small, fruit doesn't help at all, leaves me hungry, so i eat a piece of rvita crispbread with a slice of cheese and a glass of water Honestly, if you haven't hit your calorie limit you can eat. Like previously stated, more excercise means you can eat a few more cals. So for…
  • The reason smoothies are not he best choice is because they are what's called "predigested" What that means is that your body doesn't have to work to digest it making your body convert it to sugar faster. Having said that, I still think that it's better then nothing and adding natural protein and fibre will slow the…
  • Way to go! It's encouraging to see some one so successful in their journey.
  • Thanks, now that my diary is public I will track more accurately, for the most part I was just trying to get a basic idea of what I was eating. Adding the sodium is a good idea as well. I would imagine it's pretty high due to the sunflower seeds. lol Not sure if I am overestimating the excerise, i've been do 1.5hrs at the…
  • Ya, it's one of the only times I wish I was a man. You are probably right, I've done so much garbage to my body it will most likely just take time. I've even taught diet and nutrition many years ago, but things change. I measure mostly the high caloric foods and allow myself more freedom with low cal foods like lettuce and…
  • I was only eating 1200 when I was losing at first, then worried about starvation mode when I stopped lossing, then I upped my eating and gained a few and was hoping that if I stayed on track i'd start losing again, but nothing has happened.
  • it was 1400, then I changed it to the Mfp calculation.
  • I opened my food diary, but it's not fully accurate, I don't always add the super low cal foods like cauliflower or garden salad. This week has been bad because of anniversary, fathers day and 2 birthdays all in a week.