alexisj503 Member


  • For snacks, a red bell pepper cut into strips. Red bells are loaded with vitamin C. Apples and oranges are great too. Also fat-free hummus and rice crackers, or fat-free hummus and celery sticks.
  • On weekends I make and freeze fat-free vegan lunches for the work week. I often make a big pot of thick lentil vegetable stew and a pot of brown rice, and place one cup of lentil stew with 1/2 cup of brown rice on top into tupperware containers to freeze. That's 1.5 cups of food that is loaded with fiber and nutrients and…
  • cortisol (stress chemical) can hinder weight loss, and coffee can increase cortisol, while green tea contains theanine which counter acts cortisol. Also green tea increases your metabolism while you are working out. I think it only makes a tiny difference, if any in regards to weight loss though. I love green or white tea.…
  • Studies show eating protein and carbs together for breakfast curbs apetite and results in fewer calories consumed throughout the day. Add a chopped small banana to your oat meal. Sweeten with cinnamon or stevia, and add a dollop of raw almond butter on top (1-2 Tablespoons depending on your goals.) The addition of almond…