

  • Ive been wondering the same thing, all the commercials make it seem like they are helpful but I am wondering about side effects.
  • Checking in; 10/5/10 216lbs 10/12/10 214lbs Feeling more and more motivated to work out and eat better, every little bit helps towards my goals!
  • Not 40lbs a week, sorry. Supposedly 10lbs a week in some cases the person who lost the 40 did so over a couple months, 3 days of the diet 4 of eating normally so on and so on. Clearly its a fad just wondered if anyone had tried it.
  • Welcome! I just joined this site last week and it is quite addicting, its also great with being an inspiration and the people on here that are in your same situation are so supportive. Good luck with your goal of the marathon, I am trying to get to where I like to run, since Ive never liked it.
  • I agree, there does seem to be alot of women working the night shift. Must be because we are all so awesome. :smile: I dont have any official big plans, I went to a wedding last weekend but fortunately the food wasnt that great so I didnt over do it. This weekend I might go to an apple orchard and then go crazy baking but…
  • Im reposting because I am apparently a little slow and neglected to put in next Wednesdays check in date in the list. So I will also be posting my "hopefully" weight loss on 10/13/10 :smile:
  • A little late but I'm also in! On 10/1/10 my SW was 216
  • Im a little late to the game but would love to have a check in and the motivation to do so. Im trying to get down to 150lbs by 2/1/11, I want to take a vacation to somewhere warm and sit on the beach wearing barely anything and need to look good doing it. Thanks, Candy Current weight 10/6/10: 216 10/20/10 10/27/10 11/3/10…
  • Hello night shifters, I am back on my regular shift after being off for a long weekend and like a fool I switched to a day schedule and finding it very hard to get back into my eating at night and not during the day schedule. The only good thing about being off was that I cut way back on my soda consumption and up'd my…
  • I havent made a decision on an outfit, Im working on the 31st but have the 30th off and am thinking about having a party so Im not sure if Im going to dress up or not, I would be happy if I could just fit into a size smaller jeans that I have in my closet. I am going to pick up Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD tomorrow…
  • Im in, sounds like fun. I recently joined but I would love to make some major headway and have some serious poundage gone in a month if only so I can feel like I acomplished something great.
  • I hear you Lee, it was someone's birthday today and I feel like a bottomless pit and have a bunch of snacks in my locker. Fortunately Im not a fan of frosting so the thought of cake isnt really going for me but I am fighting the urge to have an officer go and get me something that is bad for me at the convience store. I…
  • I am addicted to diet coke at home and diet sunkist when I am at work, I get such a hard time from coworkers and family that I have such a weekness with those beverages. Did anyone have as horrible of a time getting off the diet soda as people can with regular soda? I definitely need to kick this habit, its expensive and…
  • Hello, I am happy to have found this thread, I dont drink everyday or even want to most of the time, my problem is when I do drink its quite a bit and almost every night that I am not at work. I do have a stressful job (dispatching over night for a Police department) and have alot of person stressors that I can hide when I…
  • I need to lose 68lbs so I can get back into my skinny clothes. Its funny how you think that you can do it all on your own but you do really need the support especially from people who know what you are going through not just your family or friends. Granted Ive only been using this site for a day but I already feel hooked.…
  • I'm in, are we counting just walking miles or anything (stairmaster, elliptical, bike etc) I work nights and sometimes can use the gym at work while "working" also I pay for a gym membership that I should utilize since the weather in Vermont is starting to get colder.
  • I just joined MFP and also work the night shift, actually Ive worked nights for the better part of 12 years however recently with the help of going from working in an ER to working as a dispatcher for a police and fire department it has come extremely obvious that if I dont do something soon I am going to become completely…