Like minded Lushes - September



  • Hey - not to worry. Every new day gives you the opportunity for a fresh start; you'll get there.

    Karen - you're doing fantastically. Keep it up.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0's safe to say that I will remain lush free at this point

    Oldbat and Karen, you are the pillar of strength when lushness creeps it's ugly head...keep up the good work
  • Hey guys I am jumping in here, I really appreciate all of your honesty!! I have struggled on and off with alcohol. I like to drink, but my body doesn't like it. :( Since quitting drinking and getting pregnant and now nursing, I dropped a lot of weight not drinking. As my son is getting older though I can feel myself wanting to slip back to having a drink nightly, but I don't want the negative effects. I just wish sometimes I had an ounce of self-control! Ugh! The self-control/discipline comes into play with over-eating and not exercising as well. How have you guys worked on being disciplined and or having the self-control?? Some days I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say screw it all! LOL but I am really really trying to relearn healthier habits, for myself and my two sons.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    last night I drank but it was within my calorie-goals for the day, because I ran for 30 minutes first. Still, that is 4 days in a row for me and I am looking forward to some clean living for a couple of days so my head doesn't hurt in the morning! There is a Sober October challenge but I think my own goal will be to drink less often and no more than 3 drinks per sitting and within cals. That will be challenge enough!
    cjemtegaard, I am not sure I have self-control, or at least it exists in limited amounts, so I can't eat well, exercise and stick to a budget, clean the house, etc. pick two-it's really the best I can do!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ok I know I am not part of this forum but I will say...I have weigh in on Friday and if I've done well i am drinking an entire BOTTLE of my favorite wine to celebrate!!!!! :laugh:

    That's all! You may continue!!! :tongue:
  • Hey guys I am jumping in here, I really appreciate all of your honesty!! I have struggled on and off with alcohol. I like to drink, but my body doesn't like it. :( Since quitting drinking and getting pregnant and now nursing, I dropped a lot of weight not drinking. As my son is getting older though I can feel myself wanting to slip back to having a drink nightly, but I don't want the negative effects. I just wish sometimes I had an ounce of self-control! Ugh! The self-control/discipline comes into play with over-eating and not exercising as well. How have you guys worked on being disciplined and or having the self-control?? Some days I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say screw it all! LOL but I am really really trying to relearn healthier habits, for myself and my two sons.

    Hey, don't beat yourself up too much; deal with things one day at a time. As I have posted earlier on this blog, my husband of 34 years died last year and there are days when I just want to shut the world out and not 'cope'. I didn't have a particular drink challenge but I was conscious that it would be very easy to disappear into a bottle when I was having a bad day and that could lead to a downward spiral of wanting to climb into a bottle more and more frequently. So, before I started my diet at the beginning of September I had already made a point of never having more than two drinks a night if I was on my own. When I started my diet I wanted to kick start my weight loss, so I decided to cut out alcohol for the first 14 days. SInce then I have tried to restrict my alcohol to one drink with dinner on Saturday and Sunday and no alcohol for the rest of the week. I am certainly seeing results in terms of weight and inch loss; I am currently on a net calorie intake of 1400 per day and am trying to take some exercise on 5 out of 7 days, even if it is only a 30 minute walk. This week my exercise (and alcohol intake) are not so well controlled as my sister-in-law is visiting, so my routine is a little different. However, I have still managed my pilates class tonight and am still only having one drink with dinner - when she has a gin and tonic, I just have a diet tonic and then I allow myself a small galss of red wine with dinner. So far that has been within my calorie count. Tomorrow we are off to London to spend the night with my son and his partner, so I suspect a little more drink will be taken!!! However, I am just going to enjoy myself and relax; if necessary I'll do some more exercising next week to compensate.

    I think there are times when you just have to kick back and relax. Allow yourself a treat of an occasional drink as a reward for perhaps missing out on a drink for one, two or more nights. Just set mini goals and reward yourself for achieving them but don't set the bar so high that you almost force yourself to fail. If you do miss your goal, don't worry - you can start again with a new goal with the new day. Go for baby steps and you will suddenly find that you're ready to stride out.

    DBanks - good for you; I think that is a very good reason for for downing a whole BOTTLE - Cheers :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Kim - glad to have been of help, we're all here for one another which is why this blog is sooooo good. Knowing you are all out there keeps me going.

    Good luck everyone; tomorrow is Wednesday and we are half way through another week of keeping the lushness under our control instead of it controlling us!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Hello,
    I am happy to have found this thread, I dont drink everyday or even want to most of the time, my problem is when I do drink its quite a bit and almost every night that I am not at work. I do have a stressful job (dispatching over night for a Police department) and have alot of person stressors that I can hide when I do drink (money, relationship, and weight woes) I dont want to give it up completely but need to find a way to cope with my issues other than trying to drink them away and numb myself. Its comforting to know there are other people with this issue willing to talk about it.
  • thank you oldbat61 for all the kind words of encouragement and the advice. i really appreciate it and i will try to take it all into consideration. i am also very sorry to hear of your husband's passing i can only imagine how i would "cope" or the lack thereof. enjoy your sister-in-law and your son and his partner. that sounds like a fun time.

    dindivt, i do the same and would like the learn new coping skills as well.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hi all, I am back from my visit with my daughter and yesterday i was very very sad so I drank alot of vodka. I hope that I can get thru today without it. then I will attempt another day. I didn't gain while I was on my trip so thats a good thing. but I just don't have any drive to get back into it. Oh well it will come.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Sunday, 0 drinks
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, pitiful drinking
    Wednesday, 0 drinks...yes, I am pre-committing to soberism
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Great job Kim.

    Here is a photo of you while we were enjoying one of the last drinks you had.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Great job Kim.

    Here is a photo of you while we were enjoying one of the last drinks you had.


    Love, love, love it!!!! Funny about the Tecate sign over our heads... Hope you are feeling better:flowerforyou:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Treating myself to a small glass of red tonight. It's only a small glass because that's all that's left in bottle from the weekend :laugh: . Had so many spare calories left tonight and I figured I deserved it after all the cycling I've done today, the majority of which was in the pouring rain. Cold, wind, rain...yep good old autumn weather here in England!
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Hello ladies! Miss me? Trust me when I tell you I have been staying away out of respect.

    Just curious how everyone is doing, not just with the drinking thing, but you know - the weight loss thing? :wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    two days of not drinking! I will probably drink tomorrow, though, First Friday art walk.
    I am so close to my goal weight, I am trying not to think about it, though and just trying to stick to my cals and Gateway to 8k (week2day3 tomorrow).
  • My biggest up my drinks. Actually, I'm OK and don't drink all week long until the weekend, when my boyfriend picks up a fifth of Jager.........yeah jagerbomb and calorie galore :ohwell: . I'm going to "try" to NOT have any this weekend. I said TRY. :noway:
  • Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. Just got back from swimming -28 lengths (25m per length) breastroke in 38 minutes, so have burned off 526 calories - yeeeehahhhh :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Tomorrow is beer Friday. My man and I go out and split a pitcher of beer. Haven't had any this week. I used to have 1-2 of the good microbrews a night. Now, nothing until Friday. It makes me a little sad. I love me a good brew.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    two days of not drinking! I will probably drink tomorrow, though, First Friday art walk.
    I am so close to my goal weight, I am trying not to think about it, though and just trying to stick to my cals and Gateway to 8k (week2day3 tomorrow).

    I love First Friday! Have fun!
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