Like minded Lushes - September

Hey all, taking up the post from SurlyDave so we can continue on our quest for motivation in the area of alcohol. On this thread we support like minded individuals who enjoy drinking. We do not chastise or tell them not to but we do understand that it is caloric and not the best way to lose weight.

My goals for September are to try to maintain not drinking Monday thru Friday. I haven't been so succesful but I try.

Monday = 0 drinks
Tuesday = 1 short diet coke and captian morgan lime bite. (It rained all day yesterday and I was bummed)


  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Thank you for the new thread!

    So far Mon = 0
    Tues = 0 (yesterday was tough - really tough - even considered buying a pack of smokes)

    Goal for today - eat healthy no liquor - & go to the gym
    current weight - 150

    mini goals:

    09/11/2010 - 148

    long term goals:

    10/31/2010 - 135lbs
    11/25/2010 - 125lbs

    01/01/2011 - Just maintain & keep working on my personal best
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Thank God, the new thread has started....I nearly panicked:sad: Does anybody feel like this thread keeps them accountable? In some sort of way, when I start tracking, it does help.

    Sunday, Monday, booze for me:bigsmile: It's the evil weekend approaching that is going to bring me, I have set a goal for 15 drinks between the state fair and the holiday weekend...that's an average of 4 per day, not nearly enough:noway: ...I'll have to tough it out somehow
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Yeah, I felt guilty when I had that glass yesterday...
    but I posted (in the old thread) a new study published in time about "moderate drinking" and seems like we are likely to live longer! I'll drink to that :drinker:

    So similar to Robin... stay alcohol free Mon-Fri, and drink moderately on the weekends!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    My goal for this week is no alcohol til the weekend and then it's going to be 1 bottle of wine spread over the weekend. Not sure if I can keep to that for a whole month but I'll see how I go.

    Feeling a bit under the weather today so not going to make it to the gym, hopefully make up for it tomorrow.
  • aunienue
    Happy September everyone!

    Goal - 2 days per week alcohol free.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    Thank God, the new thread has started....I nearly panicked:sad: Does anybody feel like this thread keeps them accountable? In some sort of way, when I start tracking, it does help.

    Sunday, Monday, booze for me:bigsmile: It's the evil weekend approaching that is going to bring me, I have set a goal for 15 drinks between the state fair and the holiday weekend...that's an average of 4 per day, not nearly enough:noway: ...I'll have to tough it out somehow

    Drink most of the day 1 of the won't feel into drinking the rest for a while. Hehe.

    That's terrible advice, I know.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Thank God, the new thread has started....I nearly panicked:sad: Does anybody feel like this thread keeps them accountable? In some sort of way, when I start tracking, it does help.

    Sunday, Monday, booze for me:bigsmile: It's the evil weekend approaching that is going to bring me, I have set a goal for 15 drinks between the state fair and the holiday weekend...that's an average of 4 per day, not nearly enough:noway: ...I'll have to tough it out somehow

    Drink most of the day 1 of the won't feel into drinking the rest for a while. Hehe.

    That's terrible advice, I know.

    I wished it worked that way for me...I've had years of experience and can bounce back...not really bad advice tho
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    That's terrible advice, I know.
    I wished it worked that way for me...I've had years of experience and can bounce back...not really bad advice tho

    me too. It takes years of developing the ability to drink copius amounts daily!:tongue::tongue: :tongue: :drinker:
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I am in... and thank you for starting the September thread. My goal for September is no drinking during the week and keep my weekends at less than five. My weekends start Saturday night and end Monday night.
  • samdempsey38
    I am going to try to keep to only drinking at the weekends, but having failed to keep to this last month I am glad its 1st and time to start over. :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did not drink on Sunday. But I did on Monday-vodka soda which was a compromise, really I wanted Sangria but that has more cals. And then last night I made myself two margs for no apparrent reason. There was beer leftover from camping but I am trying not to drink beer. I read the South Beach book and they made me think it was "bad" and vodka, wine, tequila are "good" so that should be interesting. Big football game this weekend and I don't know if there will be beer served. Long story but the colleges have a history of rioting so they decided to make the stadium dry, and the game is at noon so it's not like I'll have a lot of time to get drunk beforehand:) funny, not drinking at all does not seem like an option!
    GO RAMS:)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Hiya all..

    Goal for Sept (after this week) no drinking mon-fri and only 1 day on the weekend. I think I can do it.. I seem to have slowed everything so far as it is... however, tonight I'm opening my "accidental buy" A bottle of moscato!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Soooooo happy to have found this thread!

    Goals for the rest of this week:
    Wednesday - Friday: one BS 55 and one vodka martini (2oz vodka, no olive)
    Saturday - FREE DAY (22 mile long run, so anything goes dang it)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    (2oz vodka, no olive)
    but the olive is healthy fat:laugh:
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member

    (2oz vodka, no olive)
    but the olive is healthy fat:laugh:

    Actually...some days I do include the olive to up the fat intake for the day! What a sweet justification for a martini, no?
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member

    (2oz vodka, no olive)
    but the olive is healthy fat:laugh:

    Doesn't that count as one of your five a day portions of fruit and veg? :wink:
  • 66PollyAnna
    66PollyAnna Posts: 20 Member
    There is something quite delightful about this thread. Love reading everyone's posts.
  • shellishell
    Ok, I'm in. Thanks for the new thread.

    I have had doubt that its the calories but 2-3 days after a binge (6 beers or equivalent alcohol) has anyone put on 3-4 lbs? It keeps happening to me and not drinking is not an option......opening day for college football (GO DAWGS!) and I'll be at the Atlanta race Rv'ing...heck, I'll be lucky to only binge 1 day between Friday and Sunday...I don't see it happenin'.....I may just not eat and see what happens....J/K

    Seriously, I am trying to prepare for it - got myself some apples & peanut butter, low sodium turkey & cheese cubes and shrimp to boil...all to help with the munchies and keep the calories down...the rest will just have to go to vodka! (Im trying vodka & Crystal Light...I'll let ya know how that works out...LOL) I figure, I won't need but 2-3 and the calories will be lower than those 6 Lite beers I had last weekend...even then, I was still under my calorie goal.. Suffice it to say, I don't understand how to do this weight loss thing and still have fun...I'm just going to have to do trial and error...Today, haven't had anything high in calories and a lb from where I was last week before those 6 beers....GEEZ!!!!!

    Sorry for babbling...but this is a support group, right? Hello, my name is Shelli and I am a drinker on weekends!!! :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    shellishell. all I can say is drink water. lots of it. when I drink too much I dehydrate and I can pack on 10 pounds of water weight by retaining when I get all dehydrated. So drink water lots and lots of water. If you promise yourself one water for every drink you slow down on the drinking too.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    (2oz vodka, no olive)
    but the olive is healthy fat:laugh:

    Actually...some days I do include the olive to up the fat intake for the day! What a sweet justification for a martini, no?

    I love a vodka soaked olive...I've been eating them out of my Grandma's martinis since I was yummy