

  • Thanks, will see how I go on 2000, luxury !
  • Feel a bit silly now :) I took the MFP recommendation of 1500, in fat it came up initially as 1600 as I thought I was 250 plus, was actually 239, not good but not as bad as it could have been. Have been following it religiously and have been within a few calories, only thing I didnt count was milk in Coffee as I forgot,…
  • So, perhaps bump to 1800 ? Really appreciate the help with this !
  • Yes,, understand BMR and TDEE, I kind of rate myself as sedentary and work on a TDEE of 2400 and then add on the exercise as my job is in IT and I sit on my backside all day, hence the cycling, which I sometimes extend to 20 plus miles by doing a longer route home, was in the car today as here in England this week it has…
  • Thanks, will press on, suppose ten pounds in a month is pretty goog, just got used to getting ont he scales and another pound having gone.
  • Thanks for that, I am working on it using 500 calories
  • Cheers Hananiah, Want to get from 233 now to 182 so have bang on 50 pounds to lose, I think 182 may be a little light for me but the doctor said that is my target weight so that is what I am aiming for, was thinking 200 may be about right but that puts me still in the overweight category.
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