884 Calories- really ?

Hi have recently started on MyFitnessPal having hit 17 stone, aiming to drop about 50 pounds to get down to 13 stone, anyway I have cycled to work for the last four years, its about 7 miles each way (or further if I do a longer route) but as a rule it is 14 miles in about 50 mins (25 each way), I put the exercise in as cycling - Vigorous 14-16 MPH as I tend to do that or faster, typically 16 - 18 but as I am used to it and use a road bike it is fairly easy to maintain the speed, so I kind of downgraded it one level. I am trying to work out my daily calories and see how I get on, been off the bike for a couple of weeks due to a tendon problem which is sorted now so full steam ahead on monitoring my food, no alcohol (for ten weeks as have a holiday then) and following the MFP thing, it is brilliant for me and is working, am down about six pounds and can already feel the difference.

So, can I really be burning 884 calories ? I dont hang about on the bike but I had always thought it was worth 500 or so, if I take the Dog for a good walk as well I am into over a thousand exercise calories, my BMR is about 2000, my TDEE is about 2400 as have a sedentary job, so theoretically I am looking at 3400 calories for an exercise day, been eating 1500 or so which is probably too little, any thoughts ?




  • Hananiah
    Hananiah Posts: 128 Member
    You could be burning that many.

    Are you using a heart rate monitor or just calculating it from this website? The reason I ask is if you want a more accurate result I suggest a heart rate monitor with a chest strap.

    Are you looking to continue losing or maintaining your current weight?
  • Cheers Hananiah, Want to get from 233 now to 182 so have bang on 50 pounds to lose, I think 182 may be a little light for me but the doctor said that is my target weight so that is what I am aiming for, was thinking 200 may be about right but that puts me still in the overweight category.
  • Whether u r using MFP or a heart rate monitor to calculate your caloric expenditure, it's still a calculation. However, a HRM would b the more accurate means from the 2 and the more information u have to put into a HRM (meaning a more high tech and expensive the HRM) the even more accurate it will b. If u really want the absolute most accurate means, I would suggest getting a metabolic rate assessment done, then u can really utilize your heart rate monitor for its full potential. U can visit www.newleaffitness.com to find a location near u to do the assessment.

    I would also like to mention that the doctor is also going off of a chart when he tells u what weight u should b at. While it is rt that he should tell u a range of healthy weight for u, I think u should go off of ur body and get to the weight that is most comfortable for u that u like. Everyone is different, listen to your body, and do what is rt for u. Don't feel that u need to fit into a mold of what someone else out there has done or into some category. U r unique! That is y I love the metabolic assessments because it is all about the individual. Good luck!
  • Thanks for that, I am working on it using 500 calories
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you bike 14 miles daily, and walk the dog daily... you're not sedentary no matter what you do for the ~8 hours you do while at work.

    You might be better off including the biking and dog walking in your normal daily activity, and not logging it as exercise.
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    If you bike 14 miles daily, and walk the dog daily... you're not sedentary no matter what you do for the ~8 hours you do while at work.

    You might be better off including the biking and dog walking in your normal daily activity, and not logging it as exercise.
