Piskie26 Member


  • Hi! I'm looking for the same thing! After seeing the Christmas pictures I feel so ashamed I've let myself get so big! I'm looking to lose 70lbs and with my 30th next year I'm determined!! Not sure how to add friends but would love find friendly motivated people going through the same thing. I'm a great motivator but it…
  • I was told the best thing to satisfy sweet cravings around that time of the month is green grapes, it does work but sometimes I need to feel I've had something naughty so I have a chuppa chups lolly, they're low in calories but last for ages so should fix that craving
  • I'm a newbie too and would love to have friends on here to help and motivate me too so feel free to add me. We always have cakes in our office and a little trick I've picked up is to have a sneaky stash of meringue nests that last for ages and will be a little treat but for only about 50 calories!
  • Wow, thanks everyone. I think snack-a-jacks/ricecakes and crisp breads are the way forward as I get bored of fruit. Someone asked how fussy so here goes: the only veg I'll eat is green beans (love them) and swede, occasionally broccoli and carrots but that's pretty much it. With fruit I'll eat apples, bananas and grapes.…