

  • 36 lbs is not the end of the world. Get to it! We are all here to suppot each other. Good luck!
  • definitely -- you need a person who can go to when you feel like cheating and they can talk you out of it. Tip #1 -- be honest with yourself. Set small goals and dont sway from them. If you do cheat, dont wait til the next day to get back on board, just continue on from that point. Very hard to do -- believe me when i tell…
  • Hi back -- I wish you luck on your journey. Gets so hard sometimes. If you need to chat, please email me --
  • First time trying this. Of course ONE of my New Years resolutions is to lose about 40 lbs which i have probably gained over the last year -- after losing 75 the year before. Too scared to get on the scale but my goal is to be able to get on by Easter without panicking. I wish everyone luck on their journey. Glad the…