Sucess to come!!!

Im new to trying computer dieting- I am hoping it will be just what I need to be honest with myself and go in the right direction.
Anyone have any tips?


  • kate777
    Im new to trying computer dieting- I am hoping it will be just what I need to be honest with myself and go in the right direction.
    Anyone have any tips?
  • mvlagakos
    definitely -- you need a person who can go to when you feel like cheating and they can talk you out of it. Tip #1 -- be honest with yourself. Set small goals and dont sway from them. If you do cheat, dont wait til the next day to get back on board, just continue on from that point. Very hard to do -- believe me when i tell ya. Let me know if i can help in any way. I have someone at work that does it with me so i have her to talk to and i have my best friend in NY who we are always on line to talk to. Always need accountability. Dont weigh in every day -- wait and do it maybe every 2 weeks. It gets very discouraging sometimes when you see the scale dont move. Thats my advice. If you need to chat, you can email me at