Hi from Florida

First time trying this. Of course ONE of my New Years resolutions is to lose about 40 lbs which i have probably gained over the last year -- after losing 75 the year before. Too scared to get on the scale but my goal is to be able to get on by Easter without panicking. I wish everyone luck on their journey. Glad the holidays are over and we can all start fresh!


  • mvlagakos
    First time trying this. Of course ONE of my New Years resolutions is to lose about 40 lbs which i have probably gained over the last year -- after losing 75 the year before. Too scared to get on the scale but my goal is to be able to get on by Easter without panicking. I wish everyone luck on their journey. Glad the holidays are over and we can all start fresh!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Welcome. 75, that is great. You have come to a great site. Good luck to you!
  • amandastamey
    amandastamey Posts: 67 Member
    Hi! :smile:
  • mvlagakos
    Hi back -- I wish you luck on your journey. Gets so hard sometimes. If you need to chat, please email me -- mvlagakos@hmeng.com
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member

    I have about 40lbs till goal...see you around the site,
    Fat Dancer