kwalker5276 Member


  • Yes...,I think the logging helps. But it's funny sometimes because I go to get a snack and I make my decision on how.ut will effect my logging on here. Lol. Silly......but it works. Thank yall
  • Ok....I see a couple different ways here. I will give them all a try basically. I understand about the smoking. I smoked for 22 years and then quit cold turkey without looking back. I was really sick though and wouldn't have made it if I hadn't quit. Thank yall for your input. :smiley:
  • What afatpersonwholikesfood said make logical sense... it's what I was planning on doing with my husband and three kids....but curious of what other people will say
  • Thank you ladies.....I sent yall all friend requests
  • Hi.....thank yall both for responding......i take sythoid i do like the way phentermine makes me full of energy (like i'm hyped up on coke...haha) but I worry about my heart. So I don't take it anymore. Also....just on my research.....the more you eat (healthy foods) the better off you…
  • I just turned 40 in May......Looking for other people that in the same boat as me.... trying to loose at least 100 lbs.......being a mom....and learning how to cook better meals for the whole family
  • you are the closest to what I need to do....your inspiring me...thanks and look great!!