stevobo Member


  • Yay! Well done you! I have bits appearing that I'd forgotten existed too. I was wondering what the funny bump in the middle of my chest was the other day until I remembered it was my solar plexus! Haven't seen that in a while! ;-)
  • I saw an upsetting thing at the gym last week- a young girl, as skinny as internment camp victim, using a side stepping machine designed to trim the inner thighs down- but she really had no thighs at all. I was waiting to use the machine myself and realized that she was on that one machine for over an hour and a half. She…
  • You deserve that new wardrobe, Anubis- great achievement and impressive meter! May your belt continue to loop and your pants fall down until you get one!
  • I would never have thought if that in a million years. Sounds weird, but I might try it!
  • Agreed- ideal weight ranges are just a guide- the reason there's so much variation between them is because people are different. Sometimes, I think it's better to use a mirror as a weight guide rather than scales- as long as you look at yourself realistically and objectively. Personally, I jump up and down naked in front…
  • Welcome Pat- you'll find this website really useful. As for recommending snacks and meals- that really depends on what you like to eat or cook! I go for lots of fruit snacks- there's plenty of variety and I like to enjoy discovering new fruits which I've never tried before. Fresh figs are currently my favourite and…
  • In that case it should work very well for you. It's the same principle for quitting addictive junk food- it deals with craving and makes it easy to dismiss or control them, and it applies to rcravings for food as equally well as it does to cravings for smoking. Although the book says you should follow your natural…
  • Most bookshops with self-help/diet sections will have it. You should be able to pick up a copy on Amazon for about £5/$8. The whole book is about what drives you to eat, and why you might have a problem controlling your diet. People are amazed and keep asking me where I have got my willpower from- I can happily sit in work…
  • I got some good albums specificallY made for workouts on itunes if you have access to that. It has three versions- pump it, burn it and push it. Just search under "WORKOUT " ON ITUNES.
  • You've come to the right place. I love the iphone app too- i've tried others, including the paid apps, and none of thema re as good as this one. With the help of this forum, you might easily achieve that. I've lost 34 lbs myself since October, and a lot of it is down to using MFP. ( I will take some of the credit for…
    in Im new Comment by stevobo February 2011
  • I work shifts, and I exercise in the gym at work late in the evening and on nights I exercise around 3am in the morning! Seems to work for me- I think any type of exercise at any time of the day is good. If you exercise before sleep, I'm sure the afterburn will work while you are sleeping just like it does during the day.…
  • Hi there and welcome! You've joined the best method I've found so far- so much encouragement and support here, and the food diary really helps. Please feel free to add me!
  • Amazing- well done!!!
  • Hi Linda- you've picked the right place! There are plenty of people here with lots of useful advice and support. Welcome!
  • Welcome Karen! You've picked the right place- you'll find a lot of help and encouragement here!
  • Hi- If you're looking for a "manly " alternative to tricep dips and have access to a workout bench, lie on the bench , hold the dumbell behind your head with both arms and raise and lower your arms keeping your upper arms at right angles!
  • We are actually adapted omnivores, not carnivores. We do not have the adapted gut or the short intestine of the true carnivore. A little meat can help, but not too much.