

  • I am a single mom of a special needs child. Having others to support ya is almost half the battle I think. I have been doing great being able to read others stuggles and accomplishments and to know im not alone.. :-0)
  • I will add in the breakfast thing in the morning. Never have i had a problem with needing to eat lol.. kinda amuses me at the moment.
  • i never can make myself eat breakfast.. I will add that tomorrow.. at least toast and pb..
  • Today I ate 2 lean tacos with lettuce and tomato, dinner I had grilled chicken on 2 pieces of bread with veggie.. 100 calorie snack bar and i have added manderian oranges as a snack for later.. i even logged the bite of ham I took and the olive oil spray i cant come up with any more calories without adding a dr pepper or…