

  • Elbows and toes 1 min 30
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • Read the first post and got down and did 20 push ups, amazing how motivating it can be when someone else tells you to do something
  • 6am workouts otherwise it doesn't happen for me, everyone in the family is so used to it now, the kids know that when they wake up Mummy is either doing a DVD or outside on a run or walk.
  • Do you have a heart rate monitor? I added new exercises to the list if it wasn't on it. I do Bob Harpers (from US Biggest Looser) Kettlebell Shredder DVD it is a big workout and my heart rate goes up to 170 bpm which is the same as when I run. I usually burn about 400 calories.
  • Mental attitude is back on track, lost 200 grams after day one, training at 6am and staying within calorie limit. I just finished a plan where you eat 1200 cals a day regardless of the exercise you do, too low for me to stick to. I love eating!!! But luckily I love exercise.