

  • http://www.fitsugar.com/How-Breathe-When-Running-19967835# This was pretty useful in giving guidance in terms of breathing. :)
  • Ok great, I thought it might just be something like that... but pair that with my unusual exhaustion, and that the whole day my chest has felt really uncomfortable (like my heart's beating up in my throat) I was a little concerned. Probably just a series of coincidences feeding into paranoia O_O Great advice though! Thanks…
  • Ok, so here are my details: height 5"6, weight 150 lbs (I know this is within normal range, but I'm really looking to slim down). I'd really just like to get fitter, stronger and leaner, so maybe like 20lbs, something reasonable like that. My MFP daily calorie goal is set at 1700, most days my net calories hit between…
  • That's all great advice thanks. I probably should drink more water... ALL parts of my legs! My bum (I;m not sure what muscles those are exactly) and upper thighs are the worst, but my shins are also feeling the pain...
  • Ah see, this is what I was worried about! Coz I haven't weighed myself, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm losing anything... but I'd have to say not. I'm just not sure how to up my calorie intake without eating too many 'bad things'... coz I eat so much already, but it's all like veggies and such. This is not as easy as I'd…
  • Thanks! That makes sense! :)
  • I only ask because I noticed yesterday that my net calories were less than 1200, and I know anything less than that can lead to your body going into starvation mode. So, for instance, some days I do quite intense workouts, where I burn about 500 calories, but as my general daily goal is set at 1500, my net calories works…
  • Thanks for all the replies, it's much appreciated and I'll definitely look into it. :)
  • Hi, I've never had an eating disorder no, but I dd suffer from major depression when I was a teenager, and I know how tough it can be. The thing that got me through was an amazing therapist, and anti depressants. To me it sounds like your current therapist isn't a good fit, and that's fine, sometimes these things just…