The chiro will help; a good massage might too. Physio will help strengthen the area to hopefully avoid it in the future. Don't do the physio until the pain is gone.
If you plan on getting in the ocean you can walk/jog in the water (against the current), wave jumping, and water aerobics. You can also carry buckets of sand and water to build a sand castle.
I buy Oikos or Yoplait with fruit on the bottom. I have found the trick for me is to let it warm up a bit. I get it out of the fridge about 30 minutes before I want to eat. I think it is smoother that way and the texture reminds me more of regular yogurt.
I LOVE peanut butter and dill pickle on toast. :happy: I also like cold meatloaf sandwiches. My mom eats peanut butter and lettuce on toast. My husband eats fried bologna with cheese and hot sauce.
--eggs (scrambled, using a little olive oil in the pan) or hard boiled --Luna Bar --low fat Greek yogurt --homemade breakfast burrito (egg, onion, green pepper, cheese,sometimes ham or sausage)--for low carb, you could just eat the filling and not put it in a tortilla
I have PCOS also and half my thyroid has been removed. Weight has been difficult for me to lose as well. My endocrinologist has me on metformin for the PCOS and synthroid for the thyroid issues. I lost 20 lbs a few years ago and was able to get pregnant (even after being told I would never be able to have a baby). I have…