I'd say that makes her pretty credible. A lot more experience than most people have!!
Feel free to add me! :) Good luck!!
I see a difference!! I see it in your face definantly!!! You look great! Keep up the awesome work!!!! :)
I think you should go for it! I know you said your tight on a budget, but you're not planning on getting your hair highlighted every few weeks or anything, right? Just this one time (for right now?) If that's the case, then I think you should totally do it! I'd be willing to bet once you got it done, you'll be glad you did…
Great goal!! And good luck!! My husband and I need to take on this challenge!!!
That's what my husband and I do with out daughter. She loves the balance games like the hula hoop and the tight rope, and that little tiny bit of excersie gives me the motivation I need sometimes!!! Welcome to the site and congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!
I take it you just had a baby since you said your pre-pragnancy clothes? Good job! I remember when I was (FINALLY) able to fit into my pre- pregnancy clothes with my first baby! (Now I get to go through the process again!) I've heard so many good things about Zumba! Hope you enjoy it! (I think I'm going to look into it…
It's awesome that you're making yourself aware to the cause of your plateau!! Now you know what to tweak to continue on the path! Good job! And good luck!! :)
I didn't read the other replys, so if it's been said, sorry!! But I always bring trail mix. Like nut mix with dried fruit. You can either make your own, but I LOVE Target's variety! They have a ton of different trail mix/ nut mix options and I haven't tried one yet that I didnt like! (I'll be honest though, I haven't…
After I had my daughter, it took me forever to loose the almost 50 lbs I had gained. (I actually haven't lost it all before I got pregnant again). When I got pregnant the second time, I was bound and deteremined not to gain as much weight and I started doing maternity yoga and prenatal workouts... and I LOVED it! I…
Not since I was a newlywed! Like 5 years ago!!'s been awhile! WWTLTY bought yourself a new (CUTE) pair of shoes just because?
Hi!!! I'll hold you accountable and you hold me accountable! And then, sometime soon (when we reach our goals, and baby is here, and I come in town...!) We'll go out and have a girls night!!!! Good luck!!
I was a rower for three years in highschool! (My small little brag.. My double partner and I were ranked 9th in the nation!) It is an AWESOME excerise for every part of the body and it is soooo relaxing!!! I haven't been out on the water (in a scull) in awhile, but I miss it sooooo much!!! I hope you enjoy it! Remember to…
Pregnant! My baby will be a week away from being due (however, they want to induce me, which would be.... HALLOWEEN!) So this year I'll probably be doing the whole give out candy thing will my daughter and hubby go around. ( daughter...had decided to be a Docter for halloween though!)