What finally did it for you?



  • ANNIET2006
    My wake up was about two weeks ago when my heart started having to pump really hard and I would lose my breath. I have been on here a week now and I have been walking everyday and eating alot better and I can already tell a big differance in how I feel. Amazing what 2 lb weight lost would do and I can't wait to lose more
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    my friend's a live in nurse for an english professor dying of ALS... made me want to use what I have.... youre nothing without your health

    That's what my husband died of 2 years ago. God bless your friend. I was his caregiver/nurse. NOT easy.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    When my scale hit 250 lbs. I realized I was halfway to 500!!! I have lost 70 lbs all on my own thru diet and excercise! I never in my life thought I would love excercise and being doing the things I'm doing now! All of the sweat, pain, tears and frustration have been worth every pound lost. My goal is to lose another 40-50 lbs but I feel so great and accomplished that I already feel as tho I've won!!!!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    After my husband passed away I put on 40 or so pounds. I met an INCREDIBLE man and, God Forbid, he was a professional soccer player and now he coaches and trains. To him exercise is life not something you have to force yourself to do. I decided to get healthy for my children who are already down one parent and to keep up with him.
  • Beebee78
    Firstly because we are adopting and I wanted to be fit and healthy for my future children.

    Secondly because I have HANO and i wanted to try and get better xxx
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    For me it was reluctantly agreeing to go to a Zumba class.

    I have been heavy all of my adult life. I have tried a multitude of "diets" of this sort and that sort, with and without supplements, appetite suppressants, etc. The one thing I have never done was exercise. I don't like exercise. I don't like to sweat. That was always my story. I could stick to a "diet" sometimes a few days and sometimes a few weeks. Inevitably I always fell off the wagon and returned to my old ways.

    The zumba class caught me by suprise. I loved it and started going on a regular basis. At first once a week, then twice a week and now I go 3-4 days every week. Anyway, over the course of my first two months doing Zumba, I watched the scales go down 10 pounds and lost 11.25 inches. I also now look forward to the sweating (weird). That was the impetus!

    I found the MFP app on my phone one day, signed up and started looking around. I logged my intake and exercise and have had nothing but excellent results!

    Thank you Zumba and MFP for turning this old, flabby couch potato into a healthy eating, sweating exerciser! I will sing your praises till the end of my days!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    For me it was reluctantly agreeing to go to a Zumba class.

    I have been heavy all of my adult life. I have tried a multitude of "diets" of this sort and that sort, with and without supplements, appetite suppressants, etc. The one thing I have never done was exercise. I don't like exercise. I don't like to sweat. That was always my story. I could stick to a "diet" sometimes a few days and sometimes a few weeks. Inevitably I always fell off the wagon and returned to my old ways.

    The zumba class caught me by suprise. I loved it and started going on a regular basis. At first once a week, then twice a week and now I go 3-4 days every week. Anyway, over the course of my first two months doing Zumba, I watched the scales go down 10 pounds and lost 11.25 inches. I also now look forward to the sweating (weird). That was the impetus!

    I found the MFP app on my phone one day, signed up and started looking around. I logged my intake and exercise and have had nothing but excellent results!

    Thank you Zumba and MFP for turning this old, flabby couch potato into a healthy eating, sweating exerciser! I will sing your praises till the end of my days!

    I love Zumba!! It really helps me keep going as well! I do Zumba 4 nights a week, it's so fun and you don't feel like you're working out. I also strength train 2-3 times a week and kickbox twice a week!! I love, love, love my new lifestyle!!!
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I hear it's harder to lose weight after 30. I want to live longer, feel better, be confident, swim in public, have more energy, wear cuter clothes, etc. I'm sick of being jealous of other people's nice figures without cottage cheese and lumps. I want to be happy when I look in the mirror!

    It is SO much harder after 30. I'm 37, and I can't believe how much more difficult it is than it was in my 20s. I too am sick of being jealous of the nice figures w/o the cellulite and nice muscles. I WANT THAT!!! :)
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I hear it's harder to lose weight after 30. I want to live longer, feel better, be confident, swim in public, have more energy, wear cuter clothes, etc. I'm sick of being jealous of other people's nice figures without cottage cheese and lumps. I want to be happy when I look in the mirror!

    It is SO much harder after 30. I'm 37, and I can't believe how much more difficult it is than it was in my 20s. I too am sick of being jealous of the nice figures w/o the cellulite and nice muscles. I WANT THAT!!! :)
  • erin_89
    It waas two things. One when I went to the doctor she said I was 380 and I gain 15 pound in two month I had to sit down I just
    started to cry. The other is I'm planning to buy my first car and I'm having a hard time founding something that fits. 21 years old
    and just know getting that it's time to lose this weight.
  • TonyaJ83
    I hear it's harder to lose weight after 30. I want to live longer, feel better, be confident, swim in public, have more energy, wear cuter clothes, etc. I'm sick of being jealous of other people's nice figures without cottage cheese and lumps. I want to be happy when I look in the mirror!

    It is SO much harder after 30. I'm 37, and I can't believe how much more difficult it is than it was in my 20s. I too am sick of being jealous of the nice figures w/o the cellulite and nice muscles. I WANT THAT!!! :)

    Here we go!! We're gonna HAVE that!! YAY!! =) Go US!!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    My doctor told me I was getting ready to turn 40, "didn't I want to look 30???" Well heck yeah I do. I also felt terrible and was suffering from some serious depression. I feel so much better and the depressed attitude is no where near as bad as it was.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Double post...oppps!
  • fernelia91
    This picture


    Need to point out here that I'm NOT a Nazi sympathiser! I was at a 1940's weekend!

    This is by far my FAVOURITE response! A picture is worth a thousand words, is it not? Thanks for sharing!
  • lisafrancis629
    Vacation at the beach 9 weeks ago. Couldn't get my fat behind out of those beach chairs without help!!!! Had been feeling so unhealthy for awhile but that chair pushed me over the edge. Joined MFP the day after I got home from the beach.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I got tired of being sick and tired.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I got tired of being sick and tired.

    I'll second that! That's one of my reasons - sick and tired of being sick and tired ALL THE TIME! I'm tired of having to go on disability for my Fibro and Colitis that I KNOW are flared up by my diet and lack of exercise. My last round of disability was in April-June of this year and I want to make that my last!

    Another is just how I feel about myself. I want to and need to prove to myself that I CAN DO THIS! Everyone else can lose weight...why can't I??? The illnesses make me feel like crap already - I don't need my weight doing that too.

    I have an image in my head of how I want to look and I'm nowhere near that and I don't want to spend the rest of my life looking at that image only in my head...I want to see it in the mirror.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    For me it was just great timing. I haven't always been a size 8 - 10. In fact I've been "all over the board" from 8 - 22W!

    Lost most of my weight way before I discovered MFP and have kept it off for over 6 years.

    I was attracted to the MFP app for my iPod. Over the last month I've become a real fan. Set a new goal and am just 3 pounds away from 135. That seems like an ideal weight for me. But it's the extra energy and toning up that I am really enjoying. May even try a new goal weight of 129 -- size 6 - 8. Not sure. I take it one goal at a time and see how I feel and look.
  • lilbear911
    After I had my daughter, it took me forever to loose the almost 50 lbs I had gained. (I actually haven't lost it all before I got pregnant again). When I got pregnant the second time, I was bound and deteremined not to gain as much weight and I started doing maternity yoga and prenatal workouts... and I LOVED it! I thought, "Why is it that I can't have this motivation when I'm NOT pregnant?" I've started eating healthier and continuing to work out (obviously it hasn't been strenous workouts!)

    Recently, however, I was going through old pictures and found some from when I was a rower...and wow! I didn't realize I was that skinny and in shape. I had gotten used to me being the size I was after my daughter was born, not realizing that I was no where NEAR where I wanted to be. That realization, along with knowing I'm going to continue to put on more weight for the next month, has me striving to eat healthier and continue this new found love of working out. I WILL get to my old body, not just for me, but for my babies!
  • flwyland
    For me it was a diagnosis of breast cancer last October, with no family history. Cancer likes fat. So, to keep the cancer from coming back, I've got to get rid of the fat. I've never been one to play at sports, or to do workouts. So far I've been walking and doing some weight training. Both can be done at home, or in the neighborhood. And both are very inexpensive. I'm losing the weight slowly. (I've done it quickly before & couldn't keep it off.) This is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. All of the diet & exercise changes I have made are ones that I can live with, FOREVER.