

  • My husband and I started this week. Today is my last day for the first week and it hard! I'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!
  • I know the feeling! I gained that much after my little one too and was super frustrated with how out of shape I was. But, remember, you body was building another human being so, be patient. That is no small task and takes time to get back to where it was. It does get better. Keep at it!
  • First of all, congrats on doing it in the first place! It's not easy...especially if you are sore. I'm not expert either but, I my back was terribly sore after the first week. I found that the 5 minute cool down was not enough and that I needed to stretch my hamstrings, hips and quads much more than I had been. Maybe some…
  • Great post!!!:flowerforyou:
  • oh..btw..the C25K has an awesome free podcast download. There is one on itunes and here is a link as well... It helps me stay focused an not look at the clock so much.
  • Good Luck! I just started running this week and I'm trying to really focus on form. I'm short and top heavy so, its always been challenge for me so, like your advice says, I'm going slow and taking my time. I'll get their, injury free, if I listen to my body.