mbf82 Member


  • wow great tips thanks very much!
  • Hi Everyone! I am on Day 17 of my first Whole30 and what a difference from the first 11 days of this plan. I struggled quite a bit at the beginning and on Day 11 I almost quit. But now that I have made it to Day 17 I am coasting! It isn't always easy but in general I am getting used to this way of life and how great it is…
    in Check In Comment by mbf82 February 2014
  • Hi, I am on Day 9 today and since my last post on Day 6 I have been doing much better! A lot of cravings are gone and I am finding I get full really easily. I think being back at work has definitely helped my routine and my urge to eat crap! I am feeling really positive about this process and hoping I can stick with it!
    in Check In Comment by mbf82 February 2014
  • Hi, I am waking up the morning of Day 6 and I have to say I am feeling fed up. I can't imagine more eggs for breakfast even though I love them. I am not even a fan of cereal but I am craving a bowl of raisin bran right now... This is going to be a hard day to get through....:(
  • I started doing this last week and it is a great way to fit some sort of exercise in every day. 20 minutes is better than nothing! I have to be more consistent with it this week though so it will be good to have the motivation!