

  • I love low carb - it's the best thing I've ever done. I feel fantastic, I'm not hungry, I don't crave carbs, and I'm losing weight. (And I aim for less than 20g of carbs a day!)
  • I keep my diary open to friends, but have turned off sharing so that when I finish a day it doesn't announce it. Not that anyone was commenting on my choices, I just didn't feel the need to broadcast it.
  • Do you live near a Trader Joes? I am obsessed with their peanut butter with roasted flaxseeds.
  • I don't *not* believe in medications for mental issues, but I was/am too anxious to see a doctor to get on any, so that's why I wasn't on them. I was taking 5http and st john's wort to help with depression and that helped a bit, but what really has helped was changing my diet - I'm not eating any rice/pasta/bread/sweets…
    in depression Comment by ericablu June 2012
  • Another low carber that is AMAZED at how wonderful I feel eating this way (<20 carbs/daily for me!) and how much I don't miss eating rice/pasta/sweets etc. I was never able to stay on a diet for very long due to feeling unsatisfied and now I don't feel that way at all. I encourage everyone to give it a try if it's…
  • Well it seems my crankiness only lasted those two days - I've been in a great mood since and that's extra impressive as I'm normally not. No, let me put it this way - I normally wasn't happy while eating lots of carbs and sugar. :)
  • Ooh, I am going to try the cocoa/butter/sweetener concoction, thanks!!
  • I'm on day four of Atkins Induction phase with some LCHF (low carb high fat) ideas thrown in. Also day four of MFP so I could use some friends! ;)
  • Thank you, Linda. And I'm happy to report that this morning - day 4 - I woke up with only a slight headache! Hooray! ;)
  • Hello everyone, new here. I'm on my third day of low carb. I've tried a lot of tactics to lose weight and nothing has worked so far - this is the first time I've attempted to limit carbs. I'm reading "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes...Anyway, I'm keeping to around 20 carbs and it's not been difficult, though I am I guess…
  • I started three days ago and I was super cranky all weekend. I feel less so today, but woke up feeling nauseous, weak and with a headache. I felt so bad I had to miss work. REALLY hoping I improve somewhat before tomorrow - hate to miss work because I'm sick from sugar withdrawal! Interestingly, though, I havent really…
  • *waves* Real Name: Erica Height: 5'4" HW: 275 CW: 271 GW: 199 UGW: 135 Location- SC, USA Age: 34 Sex: F Married, No children Diet Plan- carbs <20 right now, high fat. I eat fish and shellfish but no other meat. I have never tried low carb before -excited and hopeful! Also excited about participating in this and other…
    in Welcome!!! Comment by ericablu May 2012