


  • onmyway1101
    onmyway1101 Posts: 103 Member

    Real Name: Nicole
    Height: 5'8
    SW: 286
    CW: 272.2
    GW: 165
    Location- Midway, Georgia
    Age: 25
    Sex: F
    1 step daughter
    Married to the man of my dreams

    Diet Plan-Started on the 4 hour body which is a lower carb diet, but know i am strictly low carbing it. I try to stay under 25 net carbs a day. ATKINS

  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Real Name: Olga
    Height: 5'
    HW: 186
    CW: 143.4
    GW: 134

    Location- San Antonio, Tx
    Age: 57
    Sex: F
    3 children
    married- to a great man

    Diet Plan- Nothing 'fixed' just keeping under 60g carbs per day, allowing myself good wholegrain carbs a couple of times a week like a slice of bread. I too eat plenty of lean meats, some fish & veggies. I also have a cheat day most weeks where I spike my carb intake, and my sugar then get back on it the next day. While I'm doing this I think why, why am I doing it, and at the same time i'm thinking it is sooo good.

    I exercise 6 days a week doing cardio & strength training targeting different parts of my body and use my elliptical. Once in a while I take a walk in the neighborhood if my friends are walking.

    Super weakness---Sweets & bread :)
  • kim8184
    kim8184 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Real Name: Kim
    Height: 5' 6"
    H.W: 237 lbs.
    C.W: 216 lbs.
    G.W: 150

    Location: Swanton, Ohio
    Age: 46
    Children 4, but our youngest son passed away at 21.
    Married: Yes, to an absolutely amazing and supportive hubby, but I'd still like to throttle him sometimes.

    Diet Plan: My hubby and I both are following a kind of Atkins, clean eating plane. I hate to call it a diet, because I fail at those. This a lifestyle change for both of us. It helps so much that he is in on this journey with me. I try to keep my carb intake at 70 g. or less, preferably less. I also like to keep my caloric intake under 1500.

    I try to exercise as much as I can, but I have spine problems and just found out that I am going to have to have surgery on my right shoulder. This kind of stinks because we just bought a home gym and I haven't been able to use it like I want to.

    As far as weaknesses goes, I really don't have one. We've been doing this since the first part of Feb. and since that time, the cravings have went away.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    Real Name: Mike
    Height: 6'2
    HW: 250
    CW: 230
    GW: 200
    UGW: 190 (healthy BMI)
    Location- Cambridge, UK
    Age: 40 (gulp - how'd that happen???)
    Sex: M
    No children
    Married- 15 years this year, I think. Or is it 14?

    I do quite a lot of cardio (running, swimming and cycling), and am just starting to do weights too. I cut out most wheat last year, but am trying to cut a bit more carb out to see if it'll trigger more weight loss!

    Beer is my big weakness. Or wine or whiskey - whatevers on offer, really... Chips too, but mainly beer!

    Hopefully this place will shame me into trying a bit harder.
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member
    Hello there I am anita

    start weight was 185.5
    currant weight is 180
    Goal weight is 120

    Female aged 45 and living in Lakeview Nova Scotia

    I love walking, cycling and the gym

    I started back in November 2011 however I had to stop due to health issues. Started again April 30th. Just started low carb diet 2 weeks ago. Trying South Beach but didn't do Phase 1 started on Phase 2. down 5.5 pounds so far.

    I have a question for all you low carbers is have you tried the atkins protein bars and if so did they halt your weight loss. I didn't lose any weight this week and the only thing I did different was started eating the protein bars. I even increased my cardo what do you think?

    By the way glad to be here and looking forward to the jurney.
  • nelsonwd
    nelsonwd Posts: 38
    Hello everyone....Started back Low Carb April 24th. Looking for support.

    Real Name: Dona
    Height: 5' 9"
    SW: 196.5
    CW: 187.5
    GW: 165
    Location: San Antonio TX
    Age: 52
    Sex: F

    Diet Plan: Atkins...completed induction phase. My daily carb goal is < 30g per day. I am a carb-a-holic...I feel my best when I am low carbing.

    Exercise: 3 times a week; 30 min treadmill and 30 minute nautilus weight lifting.

    Restarted 24 Apr 2012....convinced this needs to be a lifetime change. I'm determined to meet my goal and ajdust my carb intake to maintain my weight.
  • ericablu
    ericablu Posts: 12

    Real Name: Erica
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 275
    CW: 271
    GW: 199
    UGW: 135
    Location- SC, USA
    Age: 34
    Sex: F
    Married, No children

    Diet Plan- carbs <20 right now, high fat. I eat fish and shellfish but no other meat. I have never tried low carb before -excited and hopeful! Also excited about participating in this and other groups as I've never engaged with things like this before.
  • jamiemh
    jamiemh Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!!

    Real Name: Jamie
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 225
    CW: 204
    GW: 165
    Location- Sparta, NJ
    Age: 27
    Sex: F
    Married/No children
  • LindaWarner17
    LindaWarner17 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello friends!!

    Real Name: Linda
    Height: 5'4.5"
    HW: 215
    CW: 174
    GW: 145
    UGW: 145 - Normal BMI!
    Location- River Falls, Wisconsin
    Age: 26
    Sex: F
    No children
    Married almost 2 years <3

    Diet Plan- Atkins - OWL phase - I eat between 20 and 30 carbs a day right now. I have been on Atkins for a little over 6 weeks and am down 14 pounds and loving it! I eat vegetables, meats, eggs, oils and cheese liberally along with nuts on occasion and sometimes an alcoholic drink.
    I also go on long nature hikes with my dogs and am trying to get in a better habit of weight training too.

    Super weakness - As my husband says - I am a freak of nature - I have no interest in sweets or carbs and have yet to "cheat" because this is working so well for me. I do miss sweet wheat beers sometimes :(

    I am looking for more low carb friends for support, so feel free to add me! :)
  • Lisammy
    Lisammy Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Lisa. My Husband I just started the South Beach Supercharged Diet today. He has done high protein diets in the past and had great success with it, so we thought we'd try this version together. I have a very stubborn 10 lbs that I have been struggling to lose since Christmas. I exercise 6 days a week, usually on the elliptical and I do weights alternating days. I have SO many food cravings, and I love my sweets, definitely a sugar-addict! I am hoping this new lifestyle of healthy carbs and fats helps me curb those cravings. Lots of lean meats, beans, and veggies is my goal :)

    Please feel free to add me. I need all the help and support I can get :)
  • barose2012
    barose2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Real Name: Beth

    Height 5'5"

    HW 288

    CW 144

    GW anything below 200

    Location Maryland

    Age 43

    Sex F

    Children none

    Diet Plan: low carb - cross between atkins and south beach

    Weakness: ice cream, potatoes, cookies

    Strengths: good cook and willing to try new recipes; love to exercise
  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    My name is Kaila, I'm in induction (atkins) I have been on induction before and had great success, but I gave myself some birthday cake and completely fell off the wagon for about a month.
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Real Name: Jennifer
    Height: 5' 9"
    CW: 155
    GW: 148
    Location- Pittsburgh, PA
    Age: 28
    Sex: F
    No children
    No significant other
    1 Dog

    Diet Plan: I've been eating Primal for 1 full week now, and intend to keep it as a way of life. I'm starting to feel SO much better - more energy, less grogginess in the mornings. Hopefully the scale will go down as well :)

    Exercise: I practice yoga 2-3x/week and am adding back in kettlebell training 2x a week. My dog keeps me walking 2-5 miles/day, everyday.

    Weaknesses - wine and pizza. And chips. And chips covered in cheese.
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    Hello everyone! After much denial of my insulin resistance, PCOS and hypothyroidism, I'm finally getting back to the low carb diet. I just hope I can maintain it. It'll be easier now that my husband is now on board with me!

    Real Name: Quana
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 230
    CW: 202
    GW: Under 200
    UGW: 135 (healthy BMI)
    Location- Phoenix, AZ
    Age: 26
    Sex: F
    No children - yet! (hopefully soon)
    Married! :D

    Diet Plan- I haven't pinned this down quite yet because we're about to go grocery shopping based on the paleo diet. My doctor would prefer Atkins, but I've tried it and it made me feel like I was dying. I think as long as I can keep my carb intake at or below 100g a day, I'll be happy. My goal is to have most, if not all, carbs come from veggies until I get to a much lower weight. Then I'll start adding some fruit back into my diet again.

    My exercise goal is to focus on cardio for a while and then start adding in a resistance training program.

    Super weakness
    meashed potatoes! (me toooo!!!)
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Hello everyone, I am new to this group...
    I have done low carb in the past with successful weight loss, I haven't done low carb in a couple years, and I am currently stuck in a 5 month long plateau....very frustrated.... so I have decided to come back to the low carb method.
    I struggle with keeping it a continuous lifestyle, so I hope this group can help me figure out how to eat this way the rest of my life.

    Real Name: Taryn
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 182
    CW: 168
    GW: 150
    UGW: 145
    Location- From BC Canada, but I live in Seattle WA.
    Age: 33
    Sex: F
    No children, But have two adorable cats

    Diet Plan-
    ~ Try to stay under 100 grams of carbs per day. and Get lots of fiber !!!
    ~ Workout 3 to 4 days per week.
    ~ Try to never eat below my BMR

    Super weakness- PIZZA, I have NEVER been able to say NO to a slice, ...EVER !
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    HI all! I'm so glad this group exists, there are some awful low carbs threads "out there" in the general forum. I don't get some people, just because I'm not choosing a _____ diet (vegan, raw, whatever) doesn't mean I'm going to attack people who do choose that. Ugh. But yay for you all and a designated group!

    Real Name: Mary Ann
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 284
    CW: 273.6
    GW: 180
    UGW: ? I'm not sure, I would be so happy to be at like 230 right now that anything even lower seems dream-like
    Location- Oregon, USA
    Age: 30
    Sex: F
    No children, but 3 nephews I do daycare for so I see all the time.
    Not married- but have a great BF.

    Diet Plan- Nothing in particular, but for now am not really denying myself any vegetables if I want them, going to do a couple weeks without any grains, just meats, cheese, fats, veggies, nuts and seeds. I am also tracking cals as I go (not in a restrictive way) but just out of curiosity. I guess my goal would be under 75ish carbs/day.

    Super weakness--bread! Although I ate at the Original Roadhouse tonight and wasn't even a bit tempted by the rolls and honey butter, which is a huge accomplishment for me!
  • vasogoma
    vasogoma Posts: 53 Member
    Hey everyone! :D I am so happy to join you, hope to get to know each other more and have fun! :)

    Real Name: Valeria (Or Val, Vale, V, for short)
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 175
    CW: 141
    GW: 116
    Location- Mexico
    Age: 19
    Sex: F

    Diet Plan- Low-Carb and low-fat diet guided by my Endocrinologist. It is actually a very crazy diet, since she almost eliminated all carbs from my diet in order to stop my carb addiction (I was already eating around 90 cookies a day, you can imagine how my cholesterol looked like).

    Exercise- 2 days a week of GYM guided by an instructor, at least 1.5 hours, 2 days of 1 hour of kick boxing and 1 day 1 hour of strip dance (That IS going to be super interesting, considering I am easily ashamed)

    Weakness- Cookies, and cookies... also cookies u.u
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    About Me:

    Real Name: Pam
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 221
    CW: 201.4
    GW: 140 possibly 130 will see when I get there
    Location- Enfield, CT (US)
    Age: 47
    Sex: F
    3 grown children, 4 grandchildren
    been married to my BF for 30 years (he's lost 25 pounds himself due to eating whatever I put in front of him - he's a keeper!)

    Diet Plan- Started with eating right, healthy, changed to Atkins, make sure I incorporate veggies and not just meat like some who do Atkins seem to do. Low carb has really helped lowering sugars (am type 2 , insulin dependent). Not crazy about exercise, need to correct that, get most by working in my yard.

    Weaknesses: Chocolate, chips, so I keep that garbage out of the house. I aim for about 70 carbs now, weight is slowly but surely coming off.
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member

    Real Name: Odessa
    Hight: 5'5
    Age: 27
    First time on MFP: 160
    CW: 140
    GW: 130
    Location: Indiana

    Just a simple farm girl here. If I'm not helping my husband with the cattle then I'm commuting to work. I try to run 3 days a week, and get in a little zumba or strength training. Just started a LC diet last week to lose the last 10 pounds because I've reached a plateau and can't seem to lose any more, I've tried everything (upping calories, lowering calories, more rest days, less rest days). I would love to have some LC friends for support and share what we are eating.
    My husband is also trying the LC diet but he is having a hard time giving up sweet tea.
  • yenkheng
    yenkheng Posts: 4
    Hi everyone,

    I am fairly new to low-carb diets and would love to peek into your diaries for ideas of low-carb meals to make for myself and my husband (esp for brekkies, lunches and snacks). Add me as a friend if you would like to share your diaries with me. Thanks!

    Real name: Yen
    Age: 36
    Height: 160cm/ 5' 3"
    HW: 65kg/ 143.3lb
    SW: 62kg/ 136.7lb (as of March 2012 when I first joined MFP)
    CW: 56.5kg/ 124.6lb (as of June 2012- MFP works!)
    GW: 50-52kg/ 110.2- 114.6lb (target date is end of the year, slow and steady wins the race!)
    Location: Downunder

    I am a Chinese married to an Aussie. Had always been able to maintain ideal weight (around 50kg) through my 20s except for bloated tummy and flabby thighs and arms (probably because I can eat 4-6 slices of bread at one sitting!). Then things changed around 28. Not only the weight numbers seem to keep rising, the width of my vital stats did as well. Good to upsize the bra initially : D but later I find them a burden in jogging and buying clothes...

    MFP has been a great help to me. I know I have been eating too much as I have a good appetite. My husband's calories need is twice as much as me, but I was eating almost the same as him! So MFP has really helped me to adjust my meal potion. But now, I am not just aiming to bring my weight to an ideal number, but I wanted to have a better mind and spirit, better circulation and digestion systems, better skin and less tension headaches as well. So, I am definitely going to continue my learning journey into health and fitness. That's why I join this group!

    Exercise: walking the dog 3-5 times a week for 30-45mins and doing Yin Yoga at home. Wish to restart couch to 5k in Summer here (Oct 2012). Last attempt in March ends at the week I ran 1.6km. Did managed 1.6km x 3 in a week but didn't feel good in the knees and also running in chilly days.

    Diet plan: Have never really paid focused attention to diet and nutrition before the start of this year. Just a few months ago, I was still thinking that substituting meals with liquid diet, or chomping on sweet breads (from Japanese style confectionery) instead of a plate of rice with vegetable and meat is the way to lose weight quickly... How far I have come these few months with what I learnt on the web about Paleo diet, traditional Chinese herbs and CSIRO diet (which is a little like Atkins but lower fat intake and higher carb intake)! So, the plan is to go for less grains, lower carbs and have Chinese herbs that improve circulation and digestive systems.

    Weaknesses: Rice, pasta, noodles, cakes, cookies and Tim Tams!!!!! (Tim Tam Whites and Double Caramel...heavenly....)