


  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi all. My name is Jo and with a friend I run http://www.lowcarbcooking.co.nz/

    I started LCing 4 years ago determined to be in reasonable shape for my 50th and went from 103 kgs to 82 kgs easily and was looking good, although not "slim". Then menopause crept up on me along with no committed exercise plan and enjoying food and wine way too much (although I don't eat any frankenfoods). We have a very social lifestyle and entertain frequently. So I went back up to 91.8kgs but over the last 3 weeks using calorie counting and my normal relatively paleo eating style and an hour of cardio a day have lost 3.6kgs already (that's about 8lbs).

    We started our website 2 years ago and aimed to create a friendly supportive community for LC, paleo and primal, Dukan, Atkins people, much like the one here. :) It's got recipes, a forum and all sorts of educational resources.

    Our recipes are also largely focussed on being "clean" - as little use of artifical sweeteners as possible and no LC "products." Lots of them, like Dreamfields pasta are simply not available in NZ anyway. It's been really interesting changing peoples' minds about how they can eat, and we have had some very successful results with our members - especially the younger ones. Us "more mature" ones find it more difficult to lose weight although delighted with the overall improvement in health..we've also had a lot of interest from diabetics, especially in the UK.

    LCing gets alot of flack in NZ too, however it has been interesting seing a gradual change in mindset especially over the last few years. The whole food pyramid is so political, and the aversion to good fats pathological.

    Anyway, delighted to have found this group :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member

    I'm Matt from Brisbane, Australia but initially from the UK.

    I'm 40 years old, 180cm tall, about 87kg at the moment looking to get to 85kg initially.

    I started the MFP thing at around 92kg and not shifting anything despite the exercise and what I thought was a healthy diet (yeh, the usual, low-cal deprivation ... it's taken me 40 years to wise up). I used MFP to log calories initially but I focus on carbs and ignore the nutritional guidelines.

    I ignore BMI and all that (I'm quite muscular so it's pointless), I just know what I need to feel like in myself.

    I've been restricting the carbs (and upping fat/protein) for the last couple of weeks, I can honestly say I feel full of energy and more in touch with what my body needs fuel-wise.

    The weight seems to be going without an issue, I no longer worrry about exercising for weight loss (exercise does, of course, has other positive points).

    I don't follow Atkins or any diet, I just know what my body likes and I fuel it accordingly, with Real Food.

    The problem being, as we know, that our bodies have been drowning in carbs for so long that we lose touch with it.

    I've cut wheat out (the Frankenwheat that is, that will drive your blood sugar higher than a Snickers bar) and no longer feel the need to snack. Don't miss it a bit.

    The insulin rollercoaster has been derailed, I wish I knew all this years ago.

    I don't see all this as a fad, it's a lifestyle change and one I am happy to follow.

    Yes, calories are important but not as important as understanding how your metabolism works.

    If it was only about calories then eating 1200 of them in Snickers Bars would result in the same thing as eating 1200 in, say, tuna. And that is an absurd notion. It is not just a maths exercise.

    Recommended Reading:
    Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It (and it's bigger brother: Good Calories, Bad Calories)
    Wheat Belly

    Recommended Watching (YouTube):
    Sugar, The Bitter Truth (Short Version)

    Looking forward to continuing the journey in nutritional education.

    (edit) Oh, and I drink wine like a fish. I quite like being able to do that on a 'diet' :)
  • Linda860
    Linda860 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Name: Linda
    Height: 5-7
    HW: 187
    CW: 131
    GW/UGW: 133 (I'm maintaining!)
    Location: San Francisco Bay Area
    Age: 48
    Sex: F

    I'm a low carber for medical reasons; my doctor told me to cut my carbs because I was becoming insulin resistant. I went home, not really understanding what that all meant, researched it and got scared when I realized what would happen to me if I didn't follow his advice (diabetes and worse). Although he told me 45 grams per meal max, I decided to aim for around 60 grams per day and usually meet that goal. Max to me now is 70 grams per day, net.

    It has been wildly successful. I've lost all the weight I wanted to and them some. And I have completely changed my way of thinking about healthy eating. I eat a moderate protein, high fat diet now, after years of buying into the low-fat nonsense. And I exercise more now than I ever did (stepped up from walking to jogging). And purchased a whole new wardrobe.

    My biggest challenge: Social situations. I dread family dinners and workplace parties. Discrimination is alive and well my friends!
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Linda, if you don't want to tell family and friends how you are eating then in social situations you can usually get away with saying you are gluten intolerant - which gets you out of the worst of it anyway and is a common health issue. That gets you out of eating bread, pastries etc. Much of the rest you can work around or minimise the damage. Buffets are fabulous if you get to vote on a venue, also steak restaurants.

    Personally, I just fronted to everyone up and said how I eat (without feeling the need to explain myself or give lectures) and work around whatever is provided at the table. They had all seen that it was working for me weightwise so had little room to criticise (and because they love me and see how healthy I am they wouldn't anyway).

  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Further to DeadVim's reading list recommended watching (and great ammunition if in a debate) which I am sure most of you are aware of already is the movie Fathead by Tom Naughton.

  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Further to DeadVim's reading list recommended watching (and great ammunition if in a debate) which I am sure most of you are aware of already is the movie Fathead by Tom Naughton.


    At the risk of drifting off-topic (maybe there is a thread for this kind of stuff?) I can recommend Fat Head too (I may even get a Wheat Is Murder t-shirt) and the 'Eat Fat, Lose Fat' book, which I am currently about halfway through.

    I couldn't give a monkey's what anyone else thinks about my nutrition but if were the kind of person that needed ammunition then there is plenty out there.

    We are looking a seismic shift away from the 'low fat' thinking that has been based on Bad Science and perpetuated by commercial and political interests, it's only a matter of time.
  • priv8life
    priv8life Posts: 24 Member
    Real Name: Paul
    Height: 6'1"
    HW: 275 (3 years ago)
    CW: 234
    GW: 200
    UGW: 189 per BMI
    Location- Wisconsin
    Age: 47
    Sex: M
    3 kids: G, G, B 2 oldest in college, 3rd starting fall 2012
    Married: 25 years

    Diet: As doctor ordered...low glycemic index/load, quality carbs, high protein, very lean meat, except no red meat, more wild caught fish, only quality fats (like EVOO, nuts & avocados), fruits, berries, non fat yogurts, skim milk, low fat cheese, lots of non starchy veggies, no bread, no rice, no pasta

    Strengths: strategic thinking, complex problem solving

    Weakness: may not be able to detect my own stress/triggers...so difficult to manage it
  • Linda860
    Linda860 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi jojojo, thanks for the message. I actually have been quite up front about what I can eat -- and perversely, I think that has led to the proble I face, not with friends, but with family for some reason. I thought they would want to know that I couldn't eat certain foods, so they could prepare foods that I could eat -- but it hasn't quite turned out like I thought it would. Instead, they now view me as being demanding, and one family member has even chosen to prepare foods she knows I can't eat. It's a control thing, I think. It seems to me they would rather not know, because knowing of my restrictions means they have to choose between cooking like they used to and cooking to accommodate me. At this point I'm resigned to just bringing my own food to family dinners when we aren't the hosts. And wondering why I choose to spend time with people with such small minds.
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all, Rachael here. Only have 6 kg to lose but counting calories aint working. I did low carb years ago and totally transformed my body. I have a body that is sugar crazy so its all or nothing. Hoping this is successful!

    gw - 60kg
    height - 165cm 5.5ft
    Real Name: RACHAEL
    Height: 5'5
    HW: 66
    CW: 64.9
    GW: 58-59KG
    UGW: 58-59
    Age: 27
    Sex: F
    No children
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Further to DeadVim's reading list recommended watching (and great ammunition if in a debate) which I am sure most of you are aware of already is the movie Fathead by Tom Naughton.


    At the risk of drifting off-topic (maybe there is a thread for this kind of stuff?) I can recommend Fat Head too (I may even get a Wheat Is Murder t-shirt) and the 'Eat Fat, Lose Fat' book, which I am currently about halfway through.

    I couldn't give a monkey's what anyone else thinks about my nutrition but if were the kind of person that needed ammunition then there is plenty out there.

    We are looking a seismic shift away from the 'low fat' thinking that has been based on Bad Science and perpetuated by commercial and political interests, it's only a matter of time.

    'Wheat is Murder' T-Shirt!!!!!!! Ha Ha!! Got to get me one of those.....
  • jparker12379
    jparker12379 Posts: 99 Member
    Real Name: Jessica
    Height: 5' 8"
    HW: 240
    CW: 206
    GW: 164 (healhty BMI)
    UGW: 145
    Location- Boston, Ma
    Age: 32
    Sex: F

    Married for almost 14 years, 5 Kids (Ages 11, 7, 5, 2, and 12 weeks)

    Diet Plan- I had great luck with low carb 2 years ago and got down into normal weight but then got pregnant and that went out the window.... I tried getting back on track doing controlled calories and have not had much luck so Here I am jumping back into my low car style that worked for me. Lots of Veggies, meats, and aiming for under 30g carbs for a modified induction... then adding carbs back slowly to maintain Ketosis.

    Exercise: Jillian's 30DS and Stationary Bike..... trying to add in the treadmill but time isn't on my side yet.

    Super weakness: Chips and Dips!

    Strengths: My favorite food is seriously Salad with Creamy dressing i could live on it .... should make this pretty easy for me :-)
  • felixanv
    felixanv Posts: 2
    Real Name: Felixa
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 200
    GW: 150
    UGW: 145
    Location- Lancaster, PA
    Age: 41
    Sex: F
    1 boy-8 months old
    Married to a wonderful man for 7 years.

    Diet Plan- trying to cut as much as possible carbs - the bad ones. My weakness is cafe and it has to have sugar. I just started today. So let's see how it goes. please, I take suggestions.

    Exercise- I do Zumba twice a week which is great! - but the last 3 sessions I wasn't able to go so I feel bigger.. I walk my dog Rufus as well.

    Super weakness
    cafe and kuchen!

    Strengths: My breakfast - eggs and i love broccoli. I love to go for long walks with my family.
  • LeeRB1990
    LeeRB1990 Posts: 34
    Real Name: Lee
    Height: 6'1"
    HW: 230
    CW: 189
    GW: 175 - 185
    Location- Preston, UK
    Age: 21
    Sex: M
    No Children
    In a Relationship

    Diet Plan- Cutting Down as much as possible before summer where I intend to train for more lean muscle

    Exercise- Very Active part-time job in DIY Retail, Walking across University campus, Wii Fit, Home exercises, Gym if I can (Busy schedule)

    Weakness: Wednesday - Out for lunch with my Grandparents, I would see much quicker gains if it wasn't for this day... lol

    Strengths: Mindset
  • chunsagirl01
    chunsagirl01 Posts: 61 Member
    Real Name: Stephanie
    Height: 5'9
    HW: 212
    CW: 191
    GW: 165 (healthy BMI)
    UGW: 150
    Location- Colorado
    Age: 29
    Sex: F
    2 children (5 years and 16 months)
    Married for 3 years

    Diet Plan- When I was younger I did the South Beach Diet and it seemed to work to an extent, but Ive done my research and I am doing the Atkins plan. Not because I see it as a "diet" but a way of life. My DH will be getting Gastric bypass done, so I want to be next to him and supporting him. Also, I do not want the same outcome for my children. So to me the Atkins plan is a life change that I most certainly can learn to become my new lifestyle. I needed guidance on why I have not lost weight, and upon review of my food journal I eat a decent amount of Carbs, but I feel as if its too many, so I would like to find my balance so that I can be at a health weight and not be on a yo-yo diet.

    With the Atkins plan I will also be going to the gym 4-5 times a week and walking on the treadmill or the elliptical for 60 minutes. I will also life minor weights 2 days a week.

    Super weakness
    Sweets! Cakes, candy ice cream and etc.

    Strength-- I would have to say my mindset. If I make my mind up and set it to a goal then I will at all cost see what I was aiming for.
  • mlb091582
    mlb091582 Posts: 4 Member

    Hi! I am new to this forum as of 8:08 this morning in sunny Florida. I started the Atkins diet on 4/18 and thought a forum based around Low Carb diets would be helpful in the way of motivation and tips.


    Name: Meagan
    Age: 29
    Married: NOPE! (happily divorced)
    Kids: 7 year old boy and 1 month old twin girls :heart:
    Location: Sarasota, FL
    Sex: F

    Height: 5'9"
    HW: 290
    CW: 262
    GW: 165

    Diet Plan- Atkins
    Exercise- Currently walk 30 minutes a day with my little cherubs. I have anterior shin splints from being sedentary for the last 9 months while pregnant so for now, I take it easy but walk 5 days a week.
  • cinderella61

    Real Name: Cynthiana
    Height: 5' 6"
    HW: 215
    CW: 202
    GW: 150
    UGW: 125
    Location- Clifton Springs, New York State.
    Age: 50
    Sex: F
    Married with children :heart: :smile:

    Diet Plan Atkins Phase one induction
  • hummingbirdxss
    hummingbirdxss Posts: 87 Member
    Real Name : Susan

    Height 5'5
    HW 235.5
    CW 227
    UGW 140
    Location : Pensacola Fl
    Age 51
    Sex F
    Divorce with 3 sons

    Weakness----Pasta, potatoes, and chocolate. Did I mention carbs ?

    This is a second go-round on Low Carb. Last time it was a diet, now it's a lifestyle. I have a great support system in my sister who is also MFP and we often bounce ideas and encouragement off each other but I'm always open to more support.
  • kristen5231
    Hi All! I just joined the site and group! I moved over from Lose It where I have lost 20 lbs so far. About 100 more to go. I'm single, 33 and live in San Luis Obispo, CA. I have become a low-carber after finding a carb intolerance site where you can determine just how carb intolerant you are. It's a great test and I highly recommend it. It's posted by a doctor who has alot of knowledge on the matter and also answers any question you could ask about it. It's changed my life. Here's the link if anyone is interested and I can't wait to meet you all!

  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member

    Real Name: Nicole
    Height: 5'2"
    HW: 320
    CW: 172
    GW: 135-140
    UGW: not sure yet
    Location- Vallejo CA
    Age: 39
    Sex: F
    Two furry babies - Dog named Gunny and cat named Gryffindor
    Not married
    Had Gastric Sleeve done Aug 18, 2012
    Diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago

    I am a SUCKER for great sourdough bread, pizza , ice cream and chocolate!!!!!! (edited to insert)

    Strengths - I am a mean baker - make my own caramel brownies to sell at work during the holidays. I bought my own home, and I dont take baloney from anyone!

    Living the low carb lifestyle and enjoying it - no PCOS symptoms anymore, keep my carbs generally under 50 but some days under 100 (pending on what is going on)
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member

    Real name: Amber
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 196
    UGW: idk yet
    Location: League City, TX
    Age: 22
    Sex: F
    I have a 2 yr old daughter

    Weakness breads, pasta, potatoes, ice cream, pizza

    Well I just want to learn to control my carbs iv noticed I eat carbs a lot and I'm going to try to stay under 80 carbs just to see how it goes. I want to try atleast do 30 mins of workout everyday. I do have a cheat day usually on Sunday's but yesterday I did bad on my carbs so today is a new fresh start for me.