Why I choose option *Closed Food Diary



  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 165 Member
    I have my diary open to my friends. They help to support me and give me feedback based on my day which I love. I like to look at other people's diaries for inspiration and new meal ideas. I don't really understand why people people keep closed diaries. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself if your ashamed to log what you had that day. For me, logging everything where people can see it helps me stay on track. Even if I had a really bad day and ate horribly, I still log everything.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I have mine totally open to everyone. In my mind, this is who I am warts and all. Maybe someone seeing my diary will give them ideas on what to (or not) to do. By the fact that I have a lot to lose show's me I don't know exactly what I am doing, otherwise I never would have been fat in the first place. So I have it open for all to keep myself honest and the diary available for people to make suggestions if they'd like to.
  • I think it's everyone's personal choice as to whether they share their food diary or not. However, if someone is going to go on the forums and ask "what am I doing wrong" "I need help" "My weightloss is stalled" -- then that person should open up their diary.

    I have mine open to everyone. I'm not doing it to show what a good job I'm doing. I need that accountability to my fellow WL-ers.

  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I don't feel the need to share my diary with anyone. What I eat is my business and I've seen way too many MFP members posting negatively to what they see in someone's diary. I do not see how that is encouraging.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    My diary is closed. I don't request advice/support on food choices. But I do log whatever I eat. I also log my exercise and I exercise very regularly. I never understand why ppl will comment on someone's exercising when they won't comment if they were under their daily calorie goal because if they are both invisible then the commenter is trusting the exercise was done. Why not trust that the logged food was what was eaten?
  • mhuch110
    mhuch110 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm fairly new to this and have my diary set to friends only....when it's public do people randomly look at them and comment?? That seems absurd to me if you haven't asked anyone for advice!
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    I think if you are looking for advice based on nutrition then it would be a good idea that your diary be public, but you are correct. It isn't anyone's business if you don't want it to be.
  • neversettle
    neversettle Posts: 168 Member
    I keep my diary private, but that's not because I have something to hide.
    I'm uncomfortable with people knowing what I consume every day. Its just a personal preference.
    I don't ask for advice or criticism on what I eat. I know what I'm doing, and I think I'm doing a-okay.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I choose to keep mine open because I like the accountability. I also appreciate when others keep theirs open so I can get new food ideas to stay within my macros and offer support or ideas to them when/if needed. Also, when people ask for help, it is really hard to offer constructive, thoughtful advice on a closed diary. That said - if a friend keeps theirs closed - and some do, then I don't make an issue of it.

  • I have mine open to friends because I need the accountability that comes with it.....I list every bite I eat.....It helps me stay within my goal when I know others can read it.....
    I like to read what others are eating to give me new ideas....
  • ericablu
    ericablu Posts: 12
    I keep my diary open to friends, but have turned off sharing so that when I finish a day it doesn't announce it. Not that anyone was commenting on my choices, I just didn't feel the need to broadcast it.
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    I recently opened my diary, since I felt like u do.... but it has kept me more responsible knowing that someone CAN see it!
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    Mine is closed because what I eat is my business and no one Else's and I don't feel the need to try to impress anyone from it , I know I'm doing what needs to be done and I do it well. But I don't think it should take away any support because of it. As long as we post it everyday that should be enough for people. I mean I don't discriminate others for their choices. Anyone feel the same?.
    No need to sore comments just curious who agree's is all. :)

    I totally agree. I kept mine closed because I don't need other people to "watch" over me
    Which honestly I think I'd cheat if I thought people were looking, so I leave mine closed

    I also read on 1 person diary/wall where someone made a correction about this person's entry on the measurements and that totally did it for me.
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Mine's open. No one has ever commented about it. I guess I'll see how I feel when and if it happens.

    I feel like I make pretty good decisions - not a health nut, but what I eat is mostly real, nutritious food, with a few treats here and there.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i saw no reason to share mine for like the first year and a half. I opened mine up to friends only when i kept eating donuts. I asked them to humiliate me for it. They didn't :) But knowing that someone might look at it motivated me to stop it with the donuts.

    To each their own. I never give anyone crap for keeping it private.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm not sure why you feel you have to justify your choice - it makes no difference to anyone else if it's open or closed.
  • kathym42
    kathym42 Posts: 26
    Mine is closed because what I eat is my business and no one Else's and I don't feel the need to try to impress anyone from it , I know I'm doing what needs to be done and I do it well. But I don't think it should take away any support because of it. As long as we post it everyday that should be enough for people. I mean I don't discriminate others for their choices. Anyone feel the same?.
    No need to sore comments just curious who agree's is all. :)
    I prefer to keep mine private also..I have no problem sharing my weight loss and my goals and everything else..I just prefer to keep my food diary private
  • My diary is open to friends, I eat well and I am proud, yes some days i slack off, hell I don't even really bother to log on a weekend but thats ok. If someone can see where I need to make changes by all means comment away. What ****s me is people who get on this site to drop the weight but eat crap food all day everyday!!!!!!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Mine is closed because what I eat is my business and no one Else's and I don't feel the need to try to impress anyone from it , I know I'm doing what needs to be done and I do it well. But I don't think it should take away any support because of it. As long as we post it everyday that should be enough for people. I mean I don't discriminate others for their choices. Anyone feel the same?.
    No need to sore comments just curious who agree's is all. :)

    I totally agree. I kept mine closed because I don't need other people to "watch" over me
    Which honestly I think I'd cheat if I thought people were looking, so I leave mine closed

    I also read on 1 person diary/wall where someone made a correction about this person's entry on the measurements and that totally did it for me.

    I have had it happen before where someone made a comment that was not neccessary. Not really rude, but pointing out what i did wrong when I already knew it. It doesn't happen much and it's easy to just say to them "yeah. i know. tomorrow's another day." At least for me that's fine.
  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    I choose to have my diary open to my friends. That's my choice because I trust them to point out my mistakes (without criticizing) - there are times I may think I'm making good decisions, but someone else's knowledge and experience could prove me wrong.

    I also choose not to comment on friends who have closed diaries. I will support their other posts (NSVs, weight loss, exercise), but I will not give them blind support. I look at it this way - if their diary is closed, they could be eating 300 calories every day or doing something else that's unhealthy or harmful to their body. I choose not to support that.....so I stick to the safe course of not supporting what I can't see.

    Just my two cents :)

    Agree with this completely